Serial Entrepreneur, Pro-Athlete, Seed Investor & Mentor
Bringing the obvious and the latent needs of customers into the design elements of your product will decide the success of your product. The product, whether its a high tech gadget, a consumer good or a mobile app has one thing in common and i.e. The way it strikes the chord in the customer's mind. There is a systematic process where you define the needs and goals your product needs to satisfy and go about building the skeletal design and progress to defining clear specifications. The product needs to satisfy the customer need and not your tech-savvy brain.
I have been working with several startups and my own enterprises to conceive and build many world-class products. Various tools like Design Thinking, Problem Solving, 5-Step Discovery Process can be used to arrive at a holistic product meeting the desired needs of the customer.
Startup is an idea blown up into a viable business model. the hardest thing is to create a bridge between a great idea to a sustainable business model. With 5 startups co-founded I have done it over and again and my time tested tools and approach would help you get started with a lot more clarity and conviction!
Getting the factors impacting your business right is the key exercise that will decide the future course of growth for your startup. Get it right and get it fast.