MenuJoão Alexandre Digital Strategist
A minha consultoria é para empreendedores criativos que conhecem os seus negócios e público-alvo, mas ainda não têm mão firme em marketing ou estratégias online.
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- Reviews 8
- Answers 4
The call was conducted in English which João is fluent in. He has a good way of structuring and wrapping things up. Very helpful call. Thank you!!!
The acoustics have been awful though.
Boa tarde. Após conversa telefónica com o João Alexandre é com satisfação que digo que bastam alguns segundos, minutos para que uma pessoa mude ou reorganize o seu mindset. Pequenas mudanças hoje, que se traduzem em grandes resultados amanhã. O João tem essa capacidade. Quer eu, quer a Rute agradecemos a partilha de ideias. Obrigado.
Source: Clarity José Luís Araújo Apr 29, 2015O tempo passou a voar. O João fez perguntas bastante pertinentes que me fizeram repensar sobre a forma como abordo e procuro os meus clientes. Deu-me ainda alguns insights sobre user experience do meu website.
Source: Clarity Ricardo Macedo Feb 18, 2015Uma conversa bastante informativa. Como é habitual, os seus conselhos são úteis, informativos e a sua consultoria é uma mais valia para empreendedores.
Source: Clarity Veronica Reis Nov 5, 2014O João mostrou-se um ótimo consultor. Teve a preocupação em perceber a área de negócio e, principalmente, em apontar soluções que confiram maior retorno às empresas com que trabalham. Bom conversador, atento ao detalhe, inovador e profissional!
Source: Clarity Dany Manuel Fernandes Oliveira Sep 23, 2014Sem dúvida uma hora bastante esclarecedora e produtiva!
As explicações dadas foram claras e assertivas, o que acaba por motivar o trabalho e a discussão das temáticas abordadas.
Source: Clarity Lorena Souza Sep 18, 2014O João foi capaz de fazer perguntas muito relevantes e ajudou-me a ganhar perspectiva sobre melhorias que posso implementar na minha empresa. Recomendo vivamente
Source: Clarity Nuno Morgadinho Sep 18, 2014Related experts
SPSujan PatelDigital Marketer & Entrepreneur • Austin, TexasDigital Marketer & Entrepreneur. Co-founder of Web Profits. Can talk about the “ins and outs” of internet marketing including SEO, content marketing, and PPC. Previously worked as an in-house SEO advising and building large SEO departments. Passionate about helping entrepreneurs grow their businessesGrowth Hacking • Digital Marketing • Internet Marketing • SEO • Link Building • Content Marketing • PPC • Web Marketing • Reputation Management • SEO Audits •$8.33/min per minute(69)4.9 119 76
DNDavid NewmanGreater Philadelphia AreaMarketing Expert | Marketing Speaker | Author of http://bit.ly/doitbook | Marketing, Sales and Business Development Strategies for Executives and Entrepreneurs Who Want to Maximize Their Influence, Impact, and Income.Business Development • Digital Marketing • Marketing Strategy • Public Speaking • Content Marketing • Book Publishing • Small Business Marketing • Thought Leadership • Business Growth Strategies • Speaking Engagements •$5/min per minuteNew Arrival— — 134
MKMike KleinDigital marketer, community builder, deep thinker.I am the owner and CEO of Meshy Communications Inc. a Saskatoon-based marketing firm with a bias for all things digital. Meshy's services include website strategy/development, content development/inbound marketing, social media/community management, online advertising, branding/graphic design, analytics/measurement and more. As a side project I'm also working on Clozer - http://www.getclozer.com a web app I developed to help sales and marketing folks get better at building online relationships. I have more than 17 years of professional experience in the areas of communications, marketing and design. I have worked with a diverse range of educational, non-profit and corporate clients. I am an active public speaker and trainer (more than 150 hours of presentations in the last year) on the topics of digital marketing and social media management. Past organizations I have spoken for include Community Futures, Ag Council of Saskatchewan, Contact Conference, SIGA Management Symposium, PSEWeb, Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan, Edwards School of Business, Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce, Acuity Forums, Saskatchewan Professional Marketing Association and IABC Saskatoon. I love being involved in my community. I helped found and build MoSo, one of Canada's premier interactive and music conferences and I worked on the Board of the Saskatchewan Professional Marketing Association for the past two years. In the past I was involved in the University of Saskatchewan’s Alumni Association Awards Committee and I served on the executive of the Saskatoon-based Kilpatrick Flyfishers Club. I hold a BComm in Marketing from the University of Saskatchewan and a Diploma in Graphic Design from the University of the Fraser Valley. Specialties: Marketing Strategy, Graphic Design, Inbound Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Blogging, Online Advertising, Content Strategy, Graphic Design, BloggingDigital Marketing • Social Media • Social Media Marketing • Blogging • Marketing Communications • Advertising • Marketing Strategy • Public Speaking • Graphic Design • Online Advertising •$1.67/min per minuteNew Arrival— — 21
Related experts
SPSujan PatelDigital Marketer & Entrepreneur • Austin, TexasDigital Marketer & Entrepreneur. Co-founder of Web Profits. Can talk about the “ins and outs” of internet marketing including SEO, content marketing, and PPC. Previously worked as an in-house SEO advising and building large SEO departments. Passionate about helping entrepreneurs grow their businessesGrowth Hacking • Digital Marketing • Internet Marketing • SEO • Link Building • Content Marketing • PPC • Web Marketing • Reputation Management • SEO Audits •$8.33/min per minute(69)4.9 119 76
DNDavid NewmanGreater Philadelphia AreaMarketing Expert | Marketing Speaker | Author of http://bit.ly/doitbook | Marketing, Sales and Business Development Strategies for Executives and Entrepreneurs Who Want to Maximize Their Influence, Impact, and Income.Business Development • Digital Marketing • Marketing Strategy • Public Speaking • Content Marketing • Book Publishing • Small Business Marketing • Thought Leadership • Business Growth Strategies • Speaking Engagements •$5/min per minuteNew Arrival— — 134
MKMike KleinDigital marketer, community builder, deep thinker.I am the owner and CEO of Meshy Communications Inc. a Saskatoon-based marketing firm with a bias for all things digital. Meshy's services include website strategy/development, content development/inbound marketing, social media/community management, online advertising, branding/graphic design, analytics/measurement and more. As a side project I'm also working on Clozer - http://www.getclozer.com a web app I developed to help sales and marketing folks get better at building online relationships. I have more than 17 years of professional experience in the areas of communications, marketing and design. I have worked with a diverse range of educational, non-profit and corporate clients. I am an active public speaker and trainer (more than 150 hours of presentations in the last year) on the topics of digital marketing and social media management. Past organizations I have spoken for include Community Futures, Ag Council of Saskatchewan, Contact Conference, SIGA Management Symposium, PSEWeb, Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan, Edwards School of Business, Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce, Acuity Forums, Saskatchewan Professional Marketing Association and IABC Saskatoon. I love being involved in my community. I helped found and build MoSo, one of Canada's premier interactive and music conferences and I worked on the Board of the Saskatchewan Professional Marketing Association for the past two years. In the past I was involved in the University of Saskatchewan’s Alumni Association Awards Committee and I served on the executive of the Saskatoon-based Kilpatrick Flyfishers Club. I hold a BComm in Marketing from the University of Saskatchewan and a Diploma in Graphic Design from the University of the Fraser Valley. Specialties: Marketing Strategy, Graphic Design, Inbound Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Blogging, Online Advertising, Content Strategy, Graphic Design, BloggingDigital Marketing • Social Media • Social Media Marketing • Blogging • Marketing Communications • Advertising • Marketing Strategy • Public Speaking • Graphic Design • Online Advertising •$1.67/min per minuteNew Arrival— — 21
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