MenuMiguel Morkin Business Developer at Quasar Ventures
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He is very good explaining! And I am sure he knows a lot about cells!
Source: Clarity Alina Alvarez Sep 1, 2013Cuando uno como Recruiter termina una entrevista y dice: “Excelente perfil”, la sensación es muy satisfactoria.
Miguel es un profesional que tiene un estilo de acercamiento impecable y una visión analítica y creativa de la realidad poco común en gente de su perfil profesional.
Mi desarrollo profesional me llevo a compartir con el la misma dirección organizacional, lugar donde pude confirmar cada una de las hipótesis que tenía: excelente compañero de trabajo, analítico y creativo, orientado a resultados, ético, comprometido, alguien distinto, una persona con una visión personal y critica de los hechos. Ojala pudiese tenerlo en mi equipo.
Miguel is a sharply talented top level bright young engineer who excells in his dedication to his work. He helped me with one of my social networking projects and our fan page has achieved a significant growth counting participants from more than 20 countries worldwide, which today generate important revenue to my sister's business. As a HR consultant I have recommended him to potential employers as number one in the list.
Source: LinkedIn Eduardo Fracassi Aug 29, 2013I worked with Miguel in several projects as a co-worker of Continente Siete and Flimbu. He provided important value in every case, contributing with creative approaches but also with deep technical background. I definitely recommend him for making things happen
Source: LinkedIn Martín Panelati Aug 29, 2013Miguel es capaz, audaz, vivaz y mucho más. Una mezcla de excelente análisis critico con creatividad, definitivamente un placer trabajar en equipo con él.
Source: LinkedIn MONICA ZAGLUL Aug 29, 2013Miguel es un excelente profesional, con un alto nivel de compromiso . Es una persona con quien da gusto trabajar por su creatividad, cordialidad y actitud positiva. Muestra un genuino interes ,dedicacion y entusiasmo a la hora de emprender un proyecto. Estas cualidades le permiten integrase facilmente a un equipo de trabajo para aportar sus conocimientos e ideas.
Source: LinkedIn Claudia P. de Muther Aug 29, 2013Related experts
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GCGiancarlo C.Basel Area, SwitzerlandEntrepreneur Social Big Data Analysis and Social Media Marketing, estensive ERP, SAP, HR, MNC, Emerging Markets and Market/Industry research, networking When you have an idea.....stick to it and be aware that the plan to get your idea realised is going to change several times!Social Media Marketing • Entrepreneur • Social Networking • Business Process Management • Online Reputation Management • Data Analysis • Go-to-market Strategy • HR Consulting • BPO • Social Networking Websites •$3.33/min per minuteNew Arrival— — 3
LFLuis FlorezColombiaI work with high potential startups by using a mix of experience in business and the rigor of strategy theory, applying disruptive ideas that stem from the creative genius residing in key employees and entrepreneurs alike, helping them identify and achieve key milestones for sustainable accelerated growth.Entrepreneurship • Start-ups • Sales Management • Venture Capital • Product Development • Entrepreneur • Strategic Planning • Business Strategy • New Business Development • Strategy Development •$2.50/min per minuteNew Arrival— — 0
JMJavier MuñozCulture Canvas Facilitator • Palma De Mallorca, SpainFounder and CEO of Just Action, a web app to crowdsource your happiness based on 12yrs of research on Positive Psychology, Game Dynamics, and Social Media Tech. Javier created the Culture Canvas a tool to help you model your organizational culture at work. Javier is also Happiness Alchemist at Delivering HappinessEntrepreneurship • Start-ups • Executive Coaching • Coaching • Team Building • Innovation Management • Corporate Culture • Make It Happen •$1.67/min per minuteNew Arrival— — 13
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