Started my first business at 22, I have failed and learned, I've been bitten by a piranha, and I like to work with startups. See more at
I personally believe that a TRUE entrepreneur only bootstraps when launching. This is when you get the most out of your company, knowing you are doing everything and sacrificing it all for something you believe in. This shows true passion, and I have done this at least 5 times in my life on startups. I can give you AMAZING ideas for bootstrapping.
If you can't sell your self, you can't sell anything else. I have time over time, closed large deals with some tricks I think can help leverage sales for your company. You can see what I have done for my own companies, but I have helped others multiple times.
Some of the startups I did only required $500 to start, and one I raised to $1.6M in sales. This is not some "You can be a .com millionaire pitch" ... this is a legitimate business, and not everyone is as lucky. Bootstrapping though allows you to keep your costs down and stay profitable.
I think in terms of usability and Problem/Solution all day. Looking at products and thinking about things the average designer or user may not have is more of my gift. I am dyslexic by trade, which has given me a gift to see what others sometimes can not.
I have been through many startups, and I know what it takes to get traction in the market for most startups.