Former world number 20 Pro Kitesurfer and actor! (Find me on suits arabia) Social media and marketing expert. Made a 6 figure income at 17 years old.
Was Sponsored by Redbull and Monster Energy and Huwaei and adidas.
Generated over 300 million views and 700k followers.
Studies Psychology and have a strong purpose in life to help others with mental health and mental performance because Ive been through it all with depression and addiction but was still able to find ways to get out and preform at a world level. I have alot to give.
Studied at LMU which is the second best filmmaking school in Los Angeles. I can help with content ideas and editing.
Owner/Partner at Kandil Glass. One of the top and most trusted tableware manufactures in the middle east.
Studies media studies and can help grow your personal account or help grow your business through marketing.
Founder of Vitale Rehydration (launching soon)