20 year service industry executive Pioneer of digital customer care (using social media for customer service) Featured in Jay Baer New York Times Best Selling Book "Youtility"
I have known Beth for over 5 years, and have had the opportunity to work along side her, and witness her as she has worked with others. I have found Beth to be extreamly driven, focused and a thought leader in her field. I would highly recommend Beth to anyone.
Beth is one of the most accomplished professionals that I have ever worked with. As it relates to customer relations, she demonstrates a unique balance of empathy and business acumen that has substantially enhanced the success of SMG. In summary, Beth is without peer in her professionalism and loyalty and is someone that I would select first for any business that I was going to participate in.
I had the pleasure of meeting Beth earlier this year and was immediately impressed with her professionalism and approachability. The content Beth presented on the topic of providing Customer Service through Social Media was highly insightful and was well-received by those in attendance. I'm truly fortunate to have met Beth and look forward to working with her again in the future.
I had the pleasure to work with Beth related to DOT compliance issues stemming from the motor vehicles used by Scott's in its fertilizer application process. Beth is an extremely dedicated, enthusiastic and detail-oriented professional. I also had the opportunity to attend a presentation Beth gave in Las Vegas on social media issues last summer. She is one of the most dynamic speakers I have ever heard. It was obvious from her presentation that Beth is one of the leading subject-matter experts in the U.S. on customer service and social media issues in the business world.
Beth brings such a fresh perspective to how organizations can better serve their customers. I had the chance to get to know Beth leading up to the Ohio Growth Summit in 2008 and then again when Scotts was a client of mine in 2010. Over the last few years, I have seen Beth introduce new technologies like social media to the Scotts Lawn Team. She is a an excellent team leader, big picture thinker and a strong asset to her company.
Beth always seemed to find a way to ensure all projects and obligations were completed correctly and on time regardless of the complexity. she always found a way to simply get it done. Provided continous support and always found time to work on improving processes to benefit all teams she partnered with daily. I found it a pleasure to work with Beth for over 6 years.