Searching for words to describe Anina, 'extra-ordinary' was the one that kept popping back in my mind.
Supermodel, entrepreneur, 2.0 visionary and tireless explainer of web/blog basics are others that might fit.
From her HQ in China, she tought me and my Fashion Week team the basics of blogging, posting pictures and videos, the dynamics of a successful blog, as well as taking us step-by-step on how to install a number of blog widgets on our mobile phones.
More than mere fun (which it was for all involved), Anina's 360fashion teaches and inspires people to use technology that is available to many of us in ways that we don't necessarily think of right away.
Especially, i respect and underwrite her stance on training models to have other skills than 'just be beautiful' - blogging, reporting, designing, posting, interviewing, etcetera. This empowers them enormously, because it gives them a voice as well as a prospective career after active modelling. life's not over at 27, girls... and you ain't stupid either.
lastly, her position on 'the fashion industry' is spot on. now that more and more people are interested in fashion, there's more than just paris, milan and NY. Her applications and network connect individuals from all sectors of the fashion industry and all around the world.
i'm grateful to anina for teaching an old analog dog a few 2.0 tricks and look forward to what's up next. very clever lady indeed.
James Veenhoff