So you would like to know, How much does it cost to maintain a website?
I hate it when answers start with “It depends". But it depends.
Normally it's cheap. But there are many factors that affect the price of a webpage.
Here is the list of expenses you should consider while calculating the cost to maintain a website.
Ongoing costs to maintain a website include domain renewal, hosting, backups, license fees (if applicable), software updates and site maintenance. I'll cover each of these areas in this post.
Web Address renewal:
This is a small one in terms of cost, but it is of extreme importance. If your website and URL are new, you had to purchase the web address through a provider like GoDaddy, Network Solutions, etc.
There are a myriad of hosting options available. The same companies that can develop your website also offer hosting. The cost for this also range from very inexpensive (for smaller sites in many cases it's less than $10) to somewhat expensive (hundreds of dollars per month and up). The range has to do with the size of your audience (web traffic) and the (literal) size and complexity of your site.
Backups :
This is an area many companies don't think about until it's too late. It's ALWAYS a good idea to have your entire website backed up frequently, and a further suggestion is to have it backed up in a separate location from where your site is currently hosted.
License Fees / Software:
Unless you have a site that is built in pure HTML/CSS, you are going to have some type of software that facilitates some functionality. Even popular open-source CMS (content management systems) like WordPress, Joomla or Drupal require downloads of software and certain types of servers to function properly.
Software updates / Site maintenance:
There are many software and plug-ins which require updates and maintenance.
There can be many more factors (databases, firewalls,dedicated ip's, designers programmers, etc...) but to give a big picture I think this should be enough.
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