Bury St Edmunds
When you experience emotional and/or mental imbalance your inner world is changed. Thoughts like " I hate myself ", " I am not good enough " or difficult emotional complexes like feeling suppressed, bored, bullied by others, can emerge. Then you can act in two ways: first is to let such thoughts, feelings and emotions to take you over or a second way is to make a change. If you choose to make a change it's means I can introduce myself to you. I can help you in different ways if you decide to heal your inner world. I can be your guide and if you follow my guidance you can start a new path in your life. If you think that such healing can take place in a day or two you are creating an illusion and this will be not good for you. Sometimes to heal such imbalances can take a month, a few months, even a year or more. Yes, there are teachings out there telling you that you can heal your inner world in seconds only and if you believe this you can go for it. I offer you a different approach based upon my experience. I had a lot of phobias, low self confidence, low self-esteem, I was used like a doormat, had fears, communication problems, and I was avoiding people. I want to share with you the reader my story. As a little child I felt something deep in me telling me that I am here on this planet for a mission, a mission I later understood was to help people to find their own well being. Later in life I started to read and practice different forms of spiritual exercises. I met my hidden feelings and emotions and as a result I experienced phobias, trauma, anger, sadness and fears. I asked myself what kind of a healer or helper will I be for people if I go to doctors, healers, psychologists and other professionals. So I decided to help myself by looking within. I started to work on myself. After years and years of struggles, suffering and mental and emotional downs I healed from them. I work with meditation techniques, energy methods and different exercises that I can use to help you in your own journey. We can arrange phone call with me with important items to consider and practice in your everyday life. Remember my words - if you want to see results you should practice everyday. So let's take a journey of inner discovery that can lead you to a great inner place.