For the last two years, I've been sending emails to my list, with a frequency of - gasp - one every day. Sometimes, even two or three a day.
While you might think it would drive people away, the opposite is true: People love receiving them, because the focus of the emails is on serving people, not spamming them.
Inspiration, instructions, motivation, mindset: each morning I ask myself "What can I say that will help my readers forward in their business?" Then I start writing, and because of the singular purpose of helping, people rarely unsubscribe, but instead look forward to reading them, recommend me to their friends, and yes, buy from me as well.
It's not hard to do, and I assure you: once you get it, there's no shortage of topics.
But maybe you think it's all about Facebook these days, or Blab or Periscope, or.... yes sure. Those can work just fine, but there's one thing that literally every internet denizen has: an email account. And in my book, email marketing is the single most effective method for converting prospects into clients.
If you can tell a story, if you know how to string a few sentences together, and if you care about solving people's problems, you can do it too. And the best part? Using my method, and with a bit of practice, you can write sales-getting emails in less than 30 minutes a day.
I can give you the exact instructions and methods needed to write emails that people love to read and buy from, based on your particular industry.