Passionate healthcare leader, adventurous traveler, ambitious and assertive in career development, urge everyone to make healthy lifestyle changes in their diet and personal life. !!
Being a woman of today, I am very enthusiastic about a healthy and positive lifestyle which includes healthy diet, healthy outlook towards life, how to cope up with the pressure of balancing relationships, excelling at home and work, and being a hustler ! Love to help all the others in the same boat !
Being a travel lover, I would love to give advice to future travelers from my experience the "dos" and "dont's", and to break the myth of travelling being very expensive or not have time to travel. With travel you learn, so it is an investment that will always give you dividends.
Passionate about healthcare both academically and professionally. Here to help with any questions for healthcare whether it is about what plans to choose, what healthcare start ups are like, or any healthcare question across the board will be happy to assist and share my knowledge.
Career is the most integral part of a person's life in today's day and age, and also the most nerve wrecking. I am here to help you ease those stress levels to impart my advice taking into consideration my own life experiences and people around me to excel in your career and most important be happy and content in your career.