The hardware development arena is super competitive and the big boys hold a lot of leverage in this space with resources, patents, and enough engineering team members to fill stadiums. Computer hardware isn't really where the secret sauce is anymore, it's in the software. That said, without knowing the details of what you have, I'd take the following steps:
1. Search for any patents related to your idea:
2. Find comparable products in the market and see if you can find reference to the type of hardware you have on anyone's roadmaps.
3. Search high and low in forums, online tech magazines, etc. to see if you can find any similar references.
If all of these come back favourably, your next step would be to engage with a partner and see if it is valuable. My strategy for this wouldn't be reaching out to the top dogs, I'd find some influential people on twitter to start engaging with.
To get too detailed on the strategy I'd want to spend some time with you asking questions about the hardware, applications, specifications, etc. If you'd like to talk in more detail feel free to schedule some time with me.
Good luck either way!