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Robin Good New Media Pro Beta Tester, Startup Advisor & Coach

Rome, Italy

Since 2000 I am the publisher of MasterNewMedia.org - I am a new media explorer, beta tester, reporter and writer - I work at the convergence point of communication, collaboration, learning and marketing. These are my four key focus areas. I specialize in helping new startups and professionals refine and develop their technology features and UI, as well help them understand who is their ideal target audience.

  • Reviews 12

Ho avuto la fortuna di lavorare con Robin alla creazione della mia attività on line.

Quello che colpisce maggiormente di Robin è la sua enorme competenza, la sua generosità nel dispensare consigli e nel guidarti nella realizzazione della tua attività.

Ha una grande energia contagiosa che permette di arrivare dritti all'obiettivo.

Source: LinkedIn Matteo Bocedi Jan 12, 2014

Robin Good is one of those rare senior advisors who have a holistic and unbiased understanding of all aspects related to running an online business and building great services. He pays close attention to what you say and the direct, unfiltered and brutally honest feedback peppered with high quality opinions, references and data will save you from the mistakes and lost opportunities you would run into otherwise. Listen to him carefully and not just your business but also you personally will grow to the maximum potential.

Source: LinkedIn Teemu Arina Jan 12, 2014

Quando un consulente/insegnante si trasforma in un mentore/partner vuol dire che si tratta di un professionista di valore non comune.

Source: LinkedIn Paolo Gattari Jan 12, 2014

Robin è un professionista
attento, capace e disponibile.
Ha gestito la nostra comunicazione
permettendomi di lavorare fianco a fianco con lui,
così da capire fino in fondo i miei bisogni e
aiutare a migliorare anche me stessa.
E' stato prezioso, perché nel suo modo unico,
non mi sono sentita come se mi fossi messa nella mani di
un terzo, "sperando che il lavoro finale sia buono",
ma mi ha reso partecipe, è stato
come lavorare con una persona del mio team.
Coinvolgendomi e facendomi capire le scelte
più appropriate e facendomele condividere.
Lui è fantastico.
Il risultato è ben oltre le mie più rosee aspettative.
Credo che lavorare con lui sia stata per me
una grande fortuna lavorativa e personale.
Non è mai scontato, è scrupoloso e resta sempre attento circa l'obiettivo
da raggiungere come un ottimo team leader,
guida la squadra per tirare fuori il meglio
e risolvere dubbi.
La disponibilità che ha dimostrato è
stata preziosa e del tutto inattesa, avendo io sentito della sua fama.
Non lo conoscevo prima, questa è la verità,
e gli sono grata per quello che ha realizzato per la mia
impresa e per ciò che mi ha insegnato.

Source: LinkedIn Luisa Arzenton Jan 12, 2014

Robin Good is not just an amazing publicist, a pioneer curator, and the savviest guy I know but he's also tireless and ahead of his time. I've never gushed like this in a recommendation on LinkedIn, but then Robin never asked me before. If you have an opportunity to work with Robin, do it. You can thank me later.

Source: LinkedIn private private Jan 12, 2014

Robin Good represents to me what a "teacher" should be nowadays. He's well informed and passionate, he masters the fine art of communicating to your head as well as to your heart, he's a super-brilliant speaker, and - most of all - he is a great motivator, able to extract the best out of your abilities and skills. I learned a lot from him.

Source: LinkedIn Antonio Tombolini Jan 12, 2014

I have enjoyed working with and learning from Robin Good immensely, he is one of the most insightful and dedicated people involved in making the Web work for everyday people and businesses. He was far ahead of his time in developing business models for success as an online media expert and continues to develop exciting paths to success online.

Source: LinkedIn John Blossom Jan 12, 2014

Robin helped me when I was starting my commercial open source blog, pushing me to take important decisions before, and later making insightful comments that helped me to understand the importance of all details.
He is professional, intelligent and creative, and also a good friend.

Source: LinkedIn roberto galoppini Jan 12, 2014

I have sought out Robin Goods consulting expertise on a couple occasions regarding online conferencing and online education. He is a great person to work with. His energy is always positive and giving. He is very experienced in his field and is able to clearly communicate the information in a useful way. I know I can count on him whenever I contact him for work. Thanks Robin!

Source: LinkedIn Gennaro Brooks-Church Jan 12, 2014

Robin Good has been a leader in helping people understand what multimedia is about and how it can be used. With so much technical information on Photoshop etc, Robin guides you to why such tools are important and where they work as tools rather than solutions in themselves.

Source: LinkedIn David Buchan Jan 12, 2014

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