MenuWhat's one situation where you wish you had more confidence? How would it change things for you?
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By projecting more confidence in their tone, body language, and delivery, people (global corporate trainers like me) can improve their influence. This can help presentations be more interesting, address difficult queries, and establish a closer relationship with the audience. Flexibility lets one make changes depending on the degree of group participation, therefore improving the results. Moreover, confidence helps participants believe the trainer is more reliable and knowledgeable, therefore promoting responsiveness and trust. This confidence not only helps to control the matter but also supports the trainer's reputation.
Confidence is key, especially in areas like leadership, sales, and fundraising.
If you come across as doubtful while pitching your business, it makes you seem unsure of its success. Imagine what this does to an investor, if you don’t believe in it, why would they?
This doesn’t mean you have to ‘lie’ about your product or service. Lying creates unhappy customers, which harms word-of-mouth marketing and retention rates.
You’re an early-stage tech startup in the building phase. Your product is buggy, but you’re solving a major issue for your customers. Instead of focusing on the flaws, highlight the ROI of solving that problem. Convince them by saying:
“We’re a startup that will go all in for you, allowing you to co-create key parts of our product as we continue developing. This makes sure the solution meets your exact needs while saving you development resources, all while supporting an early-stage company.”
Feel free to reach out if you want to learn how to speak with confidence to different stakeholders and achieve success.
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