MenuI am a cool & calm guy ,also a hot guy ....but no girls approached me. I don't know if they are scared of getting rejected
I am a bit shy......can some one answer me why they don't talk to me?
It could be for a variety of reasons. How you carry and take care of yourself, what values you bring to the table, your attitude around them, whether your confident in your social skills, so on and so forth.
I can go in-depth as to why women choose not to talk to you. Request a call so we can get this started!
Most women that are shy, or afraid to approach a man, are most likely attracted to that man.
There are many factors that come in to play when it comes to being approachable in the dating world. For example, you would have to consider cultural backgrounds, body language, self-presentation, etc. For example, many non-western cultures have conservative women who do not approach men first. Let’s talk and I can offer up some advice!
It's difficult to say for sure without knowing more details, but here are a few possibilities:
Shyness can be perceived as a lack of confidence or interest. Girls may not approach you because they think you don't want to be approached or won't be receptive.
You may not be giving off clear signals that you're open and interested in being approached. Things like making eye contact, smiling, and using body language can communicate openness.
Your social circle and environment may not provide many opportunities for new connections. Are you regularly putting yourself in situations where meeting new people is easy and natural?
Physical attractiveness is just one factor; personality and how you interact with others matter more. Are you coming across as friendly, fun, and interesting to talk to in your daily interactions?
Rejection fears go both ways. Girls may worry that approaching a guy, even if he seems nice, could end in rejection, which is uncomfortable.
The best things you can do are to be more visibly engaged with your environment, smile and make eye contact with people, and look approachable and interested in interaction. Join social activities, clubs, or groups where meeting new people happens organically. Be confident in who you are, and focus on connecting with others for who they are rather than what you hope to get from them.
Go for what you want be yourself you want know they don’t want you unless you try… I can go into more details please give me a call I can most definitely make you more confident !
Sometimes it might just be that the girls are afraid of getting rejected. Or it could be that they do not know how to approach you. Whatever their past was can sometimes affect how they talk to people
I think the problem is in your question - you said no girls approached you. See, it is not their job to approach you. By definition, a man is someone confident to pave the way and not fear rejection. Does it mean you will not be rejected? Of course not; you will be rejected many times, and there will be times when it will be you who will back out; that's the way of life. Rejection is not a failure, it's just part of the process, you will not get every job you are interviewed for but still you will apply and try as many time as required to succeed. You need to build self-confidence, work on self-improvement, and stop putting so much value on success; you need to enjoy meeting people and building connections.
Lmao You need rest and sleep bro.
you know either you are hot or cool.
first, you need to do is make your face lovely do the things that makes a girl always try to care about them be gentle never get angry at everything
I don’t have an answer but I can point out the problems with your question.
You have mentioned that - I am a cool & calm guy ,also a hot guy but no girls approached me. I don't know if they are scared of getting rejected
I am a bit shy can some one answer me why they don't talk to me?
1)Decide are you COOL OR HOT? If I was a gal I would consider you CONFUSED after reading the first line.
2)if you were Cool as well as HOT most probably someone would have approached you.
3) if you Genuinely considered yourself to be Cool as well as Hot you would have the guts to approach the girls
4)from your question it seems like you are the one afraid of getting rejected which you are trying to hide by saying that you are SHY.
Its valentine just approach gals and ask them to rate you and most probably you will get to know how COOL OR HOT you are from their perspective.
Lastly but not the least, just approach and try to be FRINDS stop looking at them as someone different and you may even find your Love Interest .
When you find that come back and ill tell you about kamasutra.
First thing to consider here is how you approach them. For example are you the type of person who approaches ladies bragging about yourself? Most girls don’t like that, they want someone they can feel comfortable with and secure with. Then after that ask yourself ‘are you the person who keeps conversation going or you’re the person who waits until the girl reaches out for you’? Remember conversation is the backbone of every relationship. After getting answers to these questions it will help you to know where you go wrong and need to correct.
You said your problem is bit shy
Thats not bad thing I think shy is good but
You have to be courage choose good kind girl and write a paper with your love words you cannot say it and write it in the paper and tell her you a little shy and believe me you will move after that movement you will try and will get what you want just take any movement do anything don't stop and say is shy I will not have a girl... I will not have a job.. I will not have agood life just stop thinking and do anything to be out of that shy
I can give you some advice on this. One thing i will say is that women like confident man. I can share some tips on how to get the woman of your dreams. Book a call so we can discuss.
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