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Social Media Strategy
1 answer
a year ago
O Clarity.fm conecta especialistas a buscadores de conselhos. Após registrar-se e definir sua taxa por minuto, especialistas compartilham suas habilidades em um perfil detalhado. Consultantes procuram por especialistas adequados, agendam chamadas com base na disponibilidade do especialista e realizam as conversas diretamente na plataforma. Os pagamentos são processados automaticamente. Com foco em diversos campos, o Clarity.fm facilita a troca eficiente de conhecimentos, proporcionando orientação personalizada e remuneração justa para os especialistas.
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On which platforms can I find a reputable Growth Hacker for hire?
The reality is "reputable" growth hackers - aren't sitting around on freelance sites waiting for you to hire them. If they are good, they are either (very) gainfully employed at a reputable company making very good salaries or more likely using our super powers to create multimillion dollar companies. So the bad news is there is no platform where you can hire reputable growth hackers BUT here is what you can do: You can borrow some of their time on here for just a few dollars a minute and learn what you need to learn to do it yourself (or at least get started) or find courses to learn "growth hacking" yourself. Get the tips, learn the techniques, tons of free resources and sites too. Unfortunately there are no silver bullets and very seldom magic hires that will suddenly get you growth. It's a painful, iterative long process. And the term growth hacker is very broad. Some of us can help you with SEO/SEM, email list building, partnerships and PR (I'm heavily specialized in PR). TL:DR Talk to specialized growth hackers, learn, and apply the techniques yourself.AS
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Hi! Happy to answer this question. Initially, I'd ask "what are you tracking at present?" And "what are your goals?" Software wise, I love to use a few tools for Twitter. Hootsuite to schedule relevant content (and not all tweets should be scheduled--happy to touch on this more), Tweetreach to get a feel for impressions/influencers who HAVE been engaging (in my mind, impressions are KEY, more so than Follower count because hashtags can help you reach more people) and Sprout Social for a more in depth view of your Twitter analytics. Getting more visibility/followers: what hashtags are you using? How often do you acknowledge those who follow you (new followers vs existing followers)? Are you just sharing autoscheduled content and links OR are you creating conversations? Hashtags wise: find those that have a community already centered around them! *You don't want to "hashtag hijack" however, tags like #smallbiz #blogchat #_________ specific to your industry or ideal client's industry can go a long way. Other tools that people use to track community and engagement include Sum All, and Commun It https://commun.it/ Once you start tracking impressions (and monitoring growth vs plateaus) you can then go back and look at your content to see which posts generated the most response/engagement. Again, just want to emphasize that creating conversations and asking questions are great methods to do all of the things you are looking to accomplish.JM
As a freelance marketing, I currently offer a plethora of services. Should I scale back to offer one service?
Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us here, I launched a consulting business almost 10 years ago to leverage my Masters in Strategy and experience with several successful startups. I merged business coaching with marketing and for the past 9 years have been helping small-large organizations globally. All clients are acquired through zero cold calling. I have learned through the years to ask, what is your experience level? Did you take a course on marketing and are now launching a business or do you have a degree or relevant networks that can boost your launch? - This is important for you to answer honestly because the digital marketing industry has become really crowded, marketing has become jargon for anything that has to do with sales, advertising, networking and marketing. So don't get fooled by the word marketing, make a plan on how you advertise your clients' services, but you can also use that yourself. I think the experience question is relevant for you because as an SEO expert as you mentioned you were since you offer the service, I would expect you have a decent traffic to your website from the right prospects, and if you are an experienced or actual marketer - you would know just how to create a funnel system for your website so that you are capturing leads as much as possible - telling you just what services are being requested the most by your prospect audience. If this sounds brisk, I apologize; I just want to make sure my thoughts are clear on the how you can approach and where your level of value might be which could lead you to offer a limited number of services that you are also 100% awesome at, because your initial clients can be a great source of validation and the last thing you want is to not deliver and delight. As a marketer and strategist, I can guarantee you that having a niche is more beneficial than offering many services. I wrote an answer to a similar question here on clarity, find it here: https://clarity.fm/questions/4661/hi-i-am-new-here-i-am-expert-on-social-media-marketing-and-traffic-my-question Also, here is a related article that could help you: http://blog.unthink.me/what-is-inbound-marketing-and-can-it-really-help-my-business If you want a call, I can give you a VIP link for a free consultation. Best of luck!HV
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