MenuWhat lifestyle hacks do you use to stay on a growth trajectory?
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There is not a well-chalked path that you can take because both creating a path and walking on it is to be done by you, however, you can learn from those who made to the top. It can be anything that keeps your frustration away, yoga, drums, games or guitar.
Airbnb started out in 2008 when founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia realised, they could make a quick buck by renting out an air mattress in their living room to people visiting San Francisco for a big conference. The idea then evolved into a website where others could do the same, and travellers could get a cheaper option than a hotel. They famously did things that did not scale and then growth hacked solutions so that they did. Each time a listing was made in their area on Craigslist, they would email the homeowner and ask if they would like to list on Airbnb. The homeowner would then spread the word about this new booking platform. After finding success in doing this manually, they created a script that would automatically email all new listings on Craigslist and notify them about Airbnb. It also shows that they realised early on that the key to success on the platform would be getting hosts to list their properties.
You can read more here: https://www.growthmanifesto.com/airbnb-growth-strategy
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
For me, my morning practice is vital to stay on track and energized. Wherever I am in the world, I start my day around 5.30/6.00 am with a morning routine. At the moment I'm in Brazil by the beach, so my morning practice consists of a 20-minute HIIT-style workout, followed by yoga stretches, Wim Hof, a swim in the sea and then Tony Robbins' priming exercise. But that varies according to where I am, what the weather is like and what I can do outside. I prefer to always go outside or, at least, do my morning practice by an open terrace or balcony door to get plenty of fresh air.
I really notice the difference when I skip my morning practice. It makes a world of difference to my energy levels and general health.
Being a big fan of continual growth and always reaching the next level in life. I would say that staying on a growth trajectory means you already have one or you need to set/make one and then stay consistent on it.
Continual growth for me means not only continual learning but also applying what you are learning on real life as quick as possible and learn from the experience. Knowledge alone means nothing if not applied in the specific knowledge area whether it is health, finance, business, relationships, etc...
Knowing your goals and where do you want to go in that specific area of life where you want to grow is the start. Then the hacks comes with sitting the growth plan (and stick to it) to make sure your are spending enough time on a daily basis doing at least one action that gets you closer to your growth/goals.
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How to narrow down your target market and find early-adopters in the enterprise industry?
I've done both of these when I was fishing for SaaS business opportunities. To narrow down the niche market, identify the key departments, type of problem, and industry verticals of target companies. The users of your solution would benefit either from $$$ or productivity point of view. Then to find early adopters, find out who is attempting to make their own solutions already (in this case, consult the consultants who deal with your problem). You can even buy PPC ads on Facebook or work with their other vendors to see which customers are motivated and proactively looking for a solution to their problem. Hope this helps. If you want more clarifications, let's set up a call.SL
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