MenuHow can I gain the trust of investors in Silicon Valey for a project with the mission to "rearrange the web"?
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I've spoken about what seed investors look for in founders here: https://clarity.fm/a/476
I think you're going to have a really tough time raising money for this even *with* significant traction.
It looks as though you are blatantly ripping-off Pinterest (even using "Repin") with an unsophisticated back-end and lack any content-specific focus. Even if you get lots of people using this, the question will be how this becomes a very large business, and given the companies that are "out in front" of a business like this that still haven't answered that question, it's going to be very difficult for you to articulate something credible to answer that concern.
At this point, it's very difficult to see this project attracting the trust or interest of respected or admired Silicon Valley investors.
Thank you Ben. Do you recommend participating in programs like www.seed4start.org or contacting investors privately?
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