MenuWhat is the best time tracking software tool for government R&D firms?
What is the best tracking tool for government R&D firms? To track and submit employee time for compensation we have to break total weekly hours down proportionally into a standard 40 hour work week. So for example, if in a week an employee spends 30 hours on project A and 20 hours on project B it would auto-adjust the government billable hours down to the same proportional 60% and 40% percentages in a 40 hour work week (24 and 16 hours) down to the results as shown below.
Project A = 30 hours out of 50 total hours = 60% of time = 60% x 40 hour work week=24 proportional hours
Project B = 20 hours out of 50 total hours = 40% = 40% x 40 hour work week=16 proportional hours
We're calculating this manually now and it's time-consuming. Is there an…
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Government Contracting, Accounting
1 answer
6 years ago
Well the government sector is particularly vulnerable when it comes to such aspects of work as budgeting, payroll or leave management. Thus, not every tool will be suitable for this category. What you should be looking for is a software compliant with certain contractors as well as a tool which will meet the needs of government organization To name a few, TimeCamp and ClickTime
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Recently launched Subleger http://subledger.com/ is trying to do some or all of what you describe. It doesn't mean that there isn't room for others but consider that many early-stage companies don't have complex revenue in-flow so the core of what you're describing (converting or merging income into other operational metrics) might not have a wide appeal especially for startups. Hopefully you get some good answers here but really whatever anyone (myself included) says here is far less valuable than asking startup CEOs what their financial painpoints are with respect to reconciling their app's internal metrics with revenue and expenses. Finally, the question "is the market big enough" is too open-ended to answer for you. Big enough for what? To attract significant outside funding? Maybe not big enough. But to build a great income for you and a few others? Perhaps! Happy to discuss this with you further to help you in your evaluation of the opportunity but as I say, best thing to do is canvass the potential market first.TW
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Generally, the transfer of tangible personal property is the trigger for a sales tax event. In this case, it may be necessary to review the various aspects of a typical transaction to determine if any portion thereof would be subject to sales tax. However, generally speaking, receipts from the sale “Marketing”, "Media Placement Services" and "Web Site Networks" are not subject to State or local sales and compensating use taxes provided your organization does not sell or otherwise transfer any tangible personal property to its clients in conjunction with these activities or perform any services otherwise taxable under Section 1105(c) of the Tax Law in conjunction with these activities. (See, Advertising Agencies, Technical Services Bureau Memorandum, June 10, 1983, TSB-M-83(16)S. For additional guidance, you may also want to refer to Publication 750, A Guide to Sales Tax in New York State http://www.tax.ny.gov/pdf/publications/sales/pub750.pdf. I hope that you find this information useful. Shawn Powell Joseph Reference TSB-A-97(43)sSP
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