MenuWhat free B2B applications should I offer?
I am offering a number of free applications in B2B space with a hope to smooth out operations, marketing, sales process, etc. All these applications heavily use ML, AI, etc.
The offerings should not kill market competitiveness, i.e. not willing to offer something which others are charging for. I'm looking for suggestions.
The answer really depends on who you are targeting. I am assuming here that it is primarily SMEs in which case I would probably focus on sales and productivity tools.
There are a number of tools like Pipedrive (Sales CRM) and Trello (List organizer) that I cannot live without. Whatever you develop I think it is key also to focus on plug-ins and integrations with other tools, that can increase stickiness as well as attract users of existing tools.
Whatever you do, ensure it's perfect for the target audience of your paid product.
I've seen people spend thousands on development of a growth marketing tool only to realise the audience that uses it has nothing to do with the paid audience they're trying to attract.
Whatever you do, ensure you're relevant.
If you let me know more about your paid product I'd love to give you some suggestions here. Drop me a PM and I'd be glad to help.
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I wrote an answer to a similar question today which you can find here: https://clarity.fm/a/2877 The one flaw to your current process is this premise: "Whereas, if I focused on a good idea the whole process of driving success would be easier." This - from my experience - is simply not the case. I'm working on what I believe to be the best idea I've ever had and it has been absolutely the most challenging time I've ever had in a career full of product challenges. So a "good idea" does not make the process any easier. As I privately advised the person who asked the other similar question: I'd encourage you to define all your own pain points in your life and filter by most pain and also least addressed by existing solutions. Building what you know and what you're excited about building is the best that any of us can hope for. There's no path to greatness that isn't full of challenges ahead. Happy to do a call to discuss further.TW
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I'd suggest that there is no "should". The beauty of being an entrepreneur is that YOU get to decide what success is. In fact - In the system I use with entrepreneurs you learn to define "success" for yourself and build it into the requirements of your business model.DB
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