MenuIf you were starting over, broke, and had 400 dollars to your name, what would be your first steps to make an income?
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Invest it in yourself and find a great job that will pay the bills while you work on your own venture. Whether that means buying new work-appropriate clothes, books in your profession, a new certification or even interview coaching is up to you. I'd find a company that is emerging in an industry that you find interesting and go after working for that company. Good luck!
Cashflow - Generate by driving for UBER. You don't even need to own a car with their rental program.
Network - Attend networking events through Meetups to find new opportunities for long term employment.
Linkedin - Grow network here and look for permanent work
One word - Udemy. Find something that inspires and helps you grow. Wait for it to go on ridiculous sale (like $200 to $15) - it always does. This will help get you into a daily positive mindset vital for you next steps. Finding some kind of work to keep the wolves away from the door and allows you the headspace and a little time to develop your ideas and for personal growth. Get the book "The Slight Edge" from your library - read it daily and prepare a list of the next books to read. Save as much of the $385 left over as you can for the adventures ahead! Finally enjoy the journey as much as possible.
Put all the money toward food + lodging.
Go to library + use computer for free.
Attend Meetups + pitch something to sell. Can be anything.
After money starts pouring in, go from there.
1. Decide what you want to do and mainly in which sector
2. Search the web asap (free internet is available at the library)
3. Search for meetups, conferences, after hour drinks and go make some networking. Invest a small amount for business cards.
4. Put your profile as a freelancer in different platforms.
Once you have some income you can start growing the income.
Good luck
*assuming for the sake or simplicity we are strictly sticking to legal means of income :)
1) establish how much money I need to cover expenses
2) write out what are the most marketable skills I have that I know I can sell to people immediately in my network
3) identify what I need to start offering those services (templates, documents etc)
4) start selling and promoting my services from within my network
5) seek out plans to expand those services to beyond my network
6) if my bills and needs are urgent consider the gig-economy to hold me over during off hours while I work on steps 1-5
Active income keeps you alive, passive income makes you rich. When you don't have savings and investments, you must focus upon active income, i.e. the income that you earn through direct efforts like, working in shopping mall, typing, managing, assisting etc.
You have to generate active income and keep saving for investments, so that you can make money while you sleep, enjoy a movie or go for a vacation. Passive income will create your wealth, you should consider investing in mutual funds, stocks, bitcoin, ethereum, ripple, fixed deposits etc.
Keep learning from your mistakes and improving your skills. God bless you.
Thanks for asking
Go to thrift stores and yard sales. Take your phone. Find items that look like a good deal and search them on eBay. On eBay go into advanced search options and make sure you check "completed items", this will show you what actually sold and at what price it sold. If the item you are looking at is $5 and goes for $50 you just made 10x your money. Buy me the item(s) and sell them either on eBay or Craigslist or FB sales groups. If you cross list the items on different platforms make sure to remove sold items asap.
This will allow you to turn $100 into $500 if you hustle. If you half ass it results may vary, but if you put your all into it this will work.
1. Get a job ASAP to pay the bills - not an ultimate great job and not all consuming, one that you can do easily or pick up 'gigs' just to pay bills to allow you to be strategic about your real next moves, and perhaps save more money.
2. Allocate time each day (before, after work) to decide on a plan of where you want to go, what you need to get there.
3. and then start taking actions towards that plan that will build your chance at success: Research, Learn, Contacts, Relationships, Industry
4. If new area for you then you can jump to an easy job in that industry to accelerate #3.
5. Now you have survived, learned, have contacts and are armed and ready with the best shot at success when you leap.
6. Buy an amazing dinner for $400 with a few people who helped you get to your first $1,000,000
If you are starting over, broke and have 400 dollars to your name, there are a few things you can do to get started. Get a job that pays minimum wage. This is just enough money to live on if you're careful with it. It's not much but it's something and it will help you get back on your feet while getting some experience in the workforce. Start saving your money! If you can save up $50 per week into an emergency fund, then do so! Read more essays at https://graduateway.com/essay-examples/documentary/ to learn more investment ways. However, The first thing I would do is to find a job.
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