


why most of the students like to order online papers?

In my class we are 45 . In that 40 students order online paper . I like to improve my m,arks.The academic marks are very important in student’s life.my friend told internet have best custom essay writing service
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Scott Ellison Watson, Software Testing and Writing answered:

The short answer is, "They seek short-term satisfaction and ignore the long-term consequences."

Plagiarism may not be illegal in one's country, though it can mean the end of one's academic pursuits or any hopes of maintaining a career in journalism (go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagiarism for additional details). Also, being caught using another person's work without giving due credit could expose one to internet ridicule.

A student's best bet would be to either find a trusted friend with a knack for writing or hire an established writer to provide proofreading services and useful writing techniques.

If you or your fellow students are interested in a less risky and more beneficial alternative to plagiarism, I would be happy to provide guidance for crafting well-written papers in English.

Samuel Wellington, History teacher answered:

I study at a university and I can confidently say that my writing skills are very poor. In order to get good grades on my essays and research papers, I need to get help. I have read a very good article on https://www.timesofisrael.com/spotlight/best-research-paper-writing-services-top-6-websites-in-2023/ about the best educational resources that help students with their assignments with high quality. Now I get only the best grades for my essays and I am very happy about it.

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