MenuIf I build all of the operation expenses for a music festival, how should I request to be paid?
Should I be paid a flat fee or percentage?
Hello I am Priyanka.
In this I would like to share my personal experience with you.
Being profitable goes beyond booking the right bands, picking the right location, and driving a successful marketing campaign. Even if the fest is popular, it won’t matter if you’re losing money by pricing your tickets too low or racking up overhead costs.
It all comes down to revenue and expenses: Your biggest revenue boost comes from ticket sales, and the best way to reduce your expenses is through sponsorship. With that in mind, here’s how to ensure your music festival is profitable year after year:
Build a solid ticketing strategy.
You’ve got eyeballs on your ticketing page, but not all of those visitors are buying tickets. If your conversion rate (the percentage of visitors who buy tickets) is low, you may need a more streamlined ticketing process.
It also could be that your ticket prices just seem too high for the bands you’ve lined up or your fest’s reputation. Or consider the opposite scenario: You’re worried you won’t sell enough tickets, so you set them at a price point you think will sell. It works. But you’re not making enough from those sales to turn a profit.
“Ticketing is the most important part of the festival from a business standpoint. It has to be right,” says Tom Russell, cofounder of Founders Entertainment. With a value-based ticket pricing strategy, you can find the pricing sweet spot that’s appealing to fans — and good for your bottom line. There are also some sure-fire pricing tactics that will help you make more money.
Early sales are a great tool. Our research shows the average music fest has five to six different early-sale tiers, offering an average discount of 10%. A discount like that should be small enough to not compromise revenue — and appealing enough to early bird buyers to give you a nice boost in sales.
If you’d like to offer a more limited discount, quantity-based tiers, in which the first X number people to use a certain discount code get a better price, might help drive early sales and cultivate scarcity.
You can also send last year’s attendees discount codes that can only be used by new attendees, so they have an excuse to invite more friends — and widen your fan base.
On the other end of the ticketing spectrum, premium packages like VIP passes are an easy way to bump up revenue without pricing out lower-spending attendees. Recent research shows some events bring in 25% of their revenue from VIP sales alone. That could mean anything from exclusive areas to drink discounts to backstage passes to free merch.
Now that you know these revenue-boosting tricks, how do you go about reducing your expenses?
Get sponsors to help you out.
More festivals than ever doesn’t just mean more competition for fans; it also means more competition for sponsors. More than a third of event organizers surveyed by Eventbrite said they struggled to stand out to sponsors. Among those who organize fests with less than 5,000 attendees, nearly 2/3 struggled.
But securing those sponsorships is critical to putting on a great show without driving up ticket prices.
To stand out from the crowd, offer ways for brands to build real relationships with fans. A logo on the stage isn’t enough. Fans need to interact with the products or brand in new ways. From an interactive exhibit or social media photo opp to bioreactive wristbands, there are lots of ideas out there on how to get brands on board with your fest.
The most important step in this process, though, is to know who your fans are and what they want. Why? Because you need to be able to sell the brands on your fans. They know who their customers are, and they want to know they’ll be at your show.
In addition to demographic info like age, gender, geography, and income, you should be able to provide some idea of your fans’ spending habits, lifestyle, and why they choose to come to your festival. Gather this info through custom questions in your purchase flow, or with surveys before or after the festival.
For more tips on selling tickets, cutting costs, and using new data to make your festival efficient and profitable,
For further queries you can consult me.
I have been both an event planner (designing and implementing the concept from scratch) and working with existing events in business development or sponsorships, for events during major film festivals and others.
The answer to you question really depends on a few factors:
- have you worked with this festival before? Do you trust them?
- Are they funded or are they seeking funding?
- Have you discussed amounts for the fee or percentage?
I personally would suggest a hybrid of reduced fee plus percent if it's reasonable that you should share in the success of the festival.
To do it on percentage alone has a risk of not materializing if for some reason the festival does not get funded or doesn't go ahead - then you will have done the planning work, yet receive nothing.
I believe I've already answered this when you phrased the question differently.
To recap: 33% upfront, 33% at setup of the event, and the balance at the conclusion of the event.
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I have no experience with salons, but marketing is my thing. So I'll give you some suggestions of what to think about, followed by what to do. Do you have clients already (let's say from your working days at another salon)? If so, you can start profiling them. You can ask them to fill out a form in exchange for a free gift (maybe one of those creams you use in the salon), or an entry to a raffle (where the prize is valuable). In the profiling, you want to look out for which neighborhoods they live in, what kinds of activities they like to do, what kinds of social events they love to do, and their occupations. Then, using each of those profile data, you can market to more prospects who share the same characteristics. For example, - You can set aside a budget to send flyers to specific neighborhoods. In order to get people into the door, maybe you can offer a certain procedure for free in exchange for opportunities to win new regular customers. (You could theoretically do this with Groupon too, but you have less control of who comes into your door) - You could set up joint venture relationships with organizations like ball room dancing schools, professional associations, etc. You could offer an exclusive discount with those groups to entice potential customers to try out your service. More opportunities for you to win regular customers. - With certain demographic data, you can probably make the same offer by advertising on Facebook. If you target specific enough, you can get the price of acquiring the lead to be pretty cheap. You would have to figure out your typical lifetime value of your customers before deciding whether advertising on Facebook would be worthwhile. One last thing, you can offer gifts for your existing customers if they refer you people. If you have any more questions, I'm happy to chat with you. Hit me up on this platform.SL
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