MenuIs UX important for my first launch?
I am starting my own website.
What matters is the _ratio_ of UX to benefit.
For example, if the user will benefit immensely from your product (e.g. they will automatically get $1 million once they find their way to a certain part of your website and click a button), then they will be willing do deal with a pretty horrible UX.
Meanwhile, if they're only going to be saving $1 by choosing your product over a competitor's product, then they're not going to put any effort into dealing with an imperfect UX.
Test out your MVP with a couple people (family, friends, and if possible some strangers) before "launching" it to everyone in the world. That will give you a sense of how acceptable the ratio is for your site. The strangers will be least willing to deal with a bad UX, and your family/friends will be the most willing to deal with a bad UX.
"I am starting my own website." - This suggests this may be your first attempt?
If so, and everyone starts somewhere, then the answer would be 'yes'.
UX (the user experience) is naturally extremely important. We recently did an overhaul of our sites with a simplified and more mature UX experience. The results were outstanding, nearly doubling interaction with our visitors.
There are MANY factors to consider, in order of importance (at the stage I am guessing you are at) - also I'll assume you are in it for the long-ish term?
1 - Value to your visitors (whatever that may be). Keep it real if you want success. There are many fake and spammy websites out there, or projects that are transparently about money and nothing else.
2 - UX: Put some thought into what your users will be doing on your site, check with sites like https://www.usertesting.com/ to see if you've made it easy for them to get around, and can direct them where needed.
3 - Stick with it, it takes time. Implement things like Google Tag Manager / Universal Analytics from day one, keep an eye on what people are doing / how long they are staying.
Hope this helps.
UX and CX ARE really important for your first launch. There is no second chance to make a first impression.
Yes UX is important for your first launch, this link will help you to understand in simple way - http://iwebsun.com/ux-blog/
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