MenuWhat are the best practices in monetizing a blog post with 30k visitors consistently each month?
I wrote a blog post about turmeric and the health benefits. It consistently gets over 30k visitors per month with very little promotional spend. The engagement is high with and average of 5:25min spent on the page. I'd like to establish my own supplements brand but I suspect the margins may be thin. What are some sure fire ways of monetising the asset? And what style of offer would generate a healthy conversion?
Don't even think about monetization yet. You want to focus on first starting to capture this month's traffic - even just 1% - as email subscribers who you can continually message and Market to.
Once you have someone as a subscriber, you can now email them a dozen times over a few weeks promoting your affiliate offer, increasing the chance that they'll convert -- after all, who is more likely to convert? Someone who just read a post or someone who opted in and received a dozen trust building emails promoting a product?
If you have an email list built off of this traffic you could even promote multiple products over time! If you have three compelling offers, you can pitch all three in sequence, with breaks for education and information.
You're right to want to monetize this audience. First and foremost: you want to capture this audience as subscribers to your email list.
It's so simple. Simply ask your visitors how can you help them. There are many ways to do this, but the best thing you can do right now is figuring out why they even come to your site... What problems are they experiencing that drove to them search for tumeric and health benefits in the first place?
I would recommend doing this in a quantitative and qualitative fashion. Look for the common issues, the problems that the majority experience that causes them the most pain.
Once you know the major commons problems they are experiencing, and how desperate they are to solve these problems, then you can very easily monetize this gold mine of a website.
Oh my. You are sitting on a gold mine.
3 easy ways to make money.
1. Sign up for Amazon affiliates. Find a highly relevant product (or products) related to your post. Pop them on the page and make some affiliate money.
2. Do a very similar thing as above but try Clickbank products instead of Amazon.
3. Do some manual deal making.
- Find some brands in this space and offer to feature their products in this post at a cost per month or as part of an affiliate deal.
If you're not quite ready to launch your supplements brand, why not add a "pre-register for my new supplement range" form on the page? You can start building up your email list using this post alone, so that when you're ready to eventually launch your supplements - you have a waiting audience.
Congrats on producing such a good post!
Hi, I hope you are doing great!
With that number of visitors, engagement and time spent in the site I am sure you are delivering great value to your readers/followers.
My first advice will be to keep thinking about delivering value. I've known some people that when they want to start monetizing their mindset changes and in the long run it is not sustainable, so keep adding value to your readers.
I don't know how long you've been having this engagement in your site, but the first thing I would do is find sponsors, businesses that want to target your readers and charge a fee to advertise in your site that way your readers won't feel that from one day to another you want to get their money.
In the meantime, if you still don't have it, add a sign up form in a pop-up, in the side bar and at the bottom of each post so you can convert Visitors/readers into subscribers.
I would definitely NOT enter the affiliate world, rather start creating a online course. Learn everything you can about your visitors/readers/subscribers, their wants and needs, their challenges and then help them solve it with a course.
I hope this helps you get started.
And don't forget, Keep Adding Value :)
If you feel my response was helpful, "Upvote" and if you need any further assistance contact me, I'll be glad to help brainstorm some ideas.
Have a great day
By promoting it online
Launch a slideout email capture and start building your email list! Then you can email it whatever you want including affiliate offers or your own line of supplements when you get it launched. Also add the Facebook pixel to your website layout so you can turn on an ad campaign targeting these visitors when you decide to.
I agree with Paul in that you want to find out what problem you can solve. With 30k visitors a week, you should be able to get sufficient responses over a couple of weeks.
I use HotJar to create surveys and polls.
Make sure you structure your survey to get a good understanding of what their specific interest in Turmeric is, if they have other relevant interests and what you can help them with.
You might find that it's not Turmeric, it's in fact weight loss or skin care or anti-inflammatory that they're interested in.
I would then create a content upgrade. That is create a checklist, a guide to Turmeric products or whatever you think may be of value.
Your content upgrade will be the entry-level hook you need to bring your audience into an automated workflow so you can nurture them to a sale.
LeadPages and Drip might be a good combo for you here. With LeadPages you can create a LeadBox as a pop-up on your blog post, asking for their name and email in return for the free upgrade.
With an integration with Drip, you can then email them your content upgrade immediately. This should be the first email in an automated workflow, where you follow up with 2-3 scheduled emails. This might include another link to a guide on Turmeric, weight loss, skincare, etc. Then another perhaps highlighting feedback or a comment from your blog post that demonstrates someone's specific success with Turmeric, etc. (This demonstrates social proof). Then the last email delivers a special offer for Turmeric or another product that you have signed up as an affiliate.
You have the traffic to test every step of this workflow well. After a month, test a different content upgrade to see if that drives more emails. Then test each email in the series to see if you get more opens/clicks. Then of course test different affiliate products (Both physical and digital).
Eventually, if you can maintain the high volume of traffic, you will quickly find a product at the end of the workflow that performs far greater than any other. Now, this is your chance to produce similar yourself, therefore cutting out the middle man. If it's a supplement then look at producing your own line. But it may be a course. Start testing so you can find out.
thanks a lot for help! From my marketing perspective, mobile-friendliness is a cornerstone for effective SEO measurement. A responsive design ensures seamless user experiences, bolstering not only rankings but also customer satisfaction. It's a fundamental factor in today's mobile-driven digital landscape. You can find more useful information in this https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO_cases/comments/1531x0v/how_do_you_measure_seo_success/ post
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