We offer a Craigslist type mapped video advertising posting for freelancers but focus in job visor applications
Took a look at your site this morning. I would strongly encourage you against a map interface. It's highly inefficient for the user and unlikely to get you good conversion.
I don't think your one-liner or for that matter, the current site does a good job of conveying a clear value proposition for a job seeker.
Your About Us page talks about tackling the problem of the Paper Resume whereas LinkedIn at 200m members and growing has effectively addressed this for job seekers and companies alike.
Two-sided marketplaces are incredibly difficult to build. I would encourage you to focus on companies and see whether they see value in having candidates answer predefined questions via video.
I also think that in the case of freelancers, either the quality of their previous work or the references from prior work are more compelling than video testimonials.
Happy to talk this through with you in more detail. While this might not be what you wanted to hear, I hope it's helpful.