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MenuPick up the phone. But first, have a crystal-clear value proposition. Healthcare is a highly competitive industry with thousands of vendors competing for providers' valuable time. Second, identify your target. Don't try to boil the ocean. Find a narrow segment with problems you can solve and identify the specific decision maker you need to speak with. This person must be accessible via the phone. Third, create a simple and concise message (elevator pitch) including: Who are you? Why are you calling? What's in it for me (WIIFM)? (all from the buyer's perspective). And deliver a confident alternative close, for example: "I'm sharing web-based demo next Tuesday and Wednesday, which day works best for you?" Always be grateful, never pushy, but pleasant persistence pays off. Finally, frequency is key. It's a numbers game. Calling on the right target, with the right message, and the right frequency, is the winning formula. You'll eventually secure a customer and deliver value. Then nurture the relationship, produce a case study, and develop a raving fan to leverage as a reference.
Happy to talk more if you have questions. Good luck!
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