MenuHow to start a coaching business with little money?
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Hi there.
I am a small business strategy consultant, with loads of experience working with startups, like yours.
What kind of coaching are you doing? Is it something you need to do in-person, or can it be done by coaching over the Internet or phone?
The Internet is a fabulous way to do things at a low-cost. Not only to actually provide your service, but also to market it to a large audience.
If your business is something you need to do in-person - then make sure you use the various low-cost options available to you online to get yourself a presence. There are tools, like wix.com, which will allow you to build a free website and give potential customers a way to find you and contact you.
Also, if you are an expert in your field, make sure you are blogging and getting your information out to the public as frequently as possible. This will increase your ranking in search engines and make you appear like a true thought leader.
If your coaching can be offered online, make use of free tools like Skype - and embed them within your website. You can take customer payments through Paypal and similar cheap online systems.
There are many tricks to launching a low-cost business. Many depend on your specific requirements. Feel free to give me a call via this service if you want more information.
Great question. My recommendation would be to research and then invest the money you do have by enrolling into an ICF accredited coaching school. I am a graduate of The Coaches Training Institute and CRR Global. The return was well worth the investment of both time and money.
I would be happy to share information regarding my journey and how following this path led to increasing my client services and bottom line.
Focus on coaching in a business function you excel at in a niche you understand and can build (or have) authority in. For example the marketing coach for dentists or the goal-getting coach for retailers.
Depending on your business model you only need a handful of clients to create instant cash flow, and then a source of referrals.
To start a coaching business with small amount of money, you must follow the first step. The first step to coaching others is to understand why they might not already be performing at the level that you would like. We will first assume that any employee you have is someone with the desire to perform well. This intention is necessary for you to coach anyone successfully, even if the intention is hidden beneath a poor attitude. Your ability to identify the reasons for poor performance and then tap into the potential of a person is what will distinguish a good manager from a great one.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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