I'm currently working for a small company that is almost like a startup (25 people and 2 small dev teams) We have a desktop and a hardware product that are successful. We are growing, and I am looking to implement a data-driven culture. I work both in Marketing and UX and I'm thinking about implementing some analytic tools and KPIs, however, we don't have much time so I would like to keep it simple. Right now we are running Hotjar for our website which is much simpler and faster to use than G.A. for marketing. The engineers are trying to capture data for the desktop and hardware product but we don't have KPIs, BI or dashboards. Is there any cheap platform that I can connect all these things together?
Another thing is employee satisfaction, I worked for another company that used Tiny Pulse which I think was a pretty smart decision, because it was simple and captured stress, motivation and happiness. The company still had problems with retention (so I guess the Tinypulse KPIs were not that good).
Engineering, dev and time are not a problem for us, so we can code these things, but cash flow is still a problem because of the investment we did on our product that is finally selling well (we are not backed by VC). We are looking for something that is not crazy expensive to pay on a monthly basis, because we are also looking into getting a marketing automation software.
I might be asking too much, but it would be awesome to have some automated A.I. helping to push these reports because otherwise It will be too much time for me to manage these things.
I've been creating systems like this for 15 years now for a variety of clients.
I recommend Crystal Reports and a scheduling solution called Visual Cut by Millet Software.
With that combination you have the power to schedule reporting from any structured data source and create spreadsheets, auto-refreshing dashboards, alerts, etc. You can also apply it to your CRM to use for marketing via email, tweets or SMS.
Check them both out, the cost is very low and you then have a powerful tool set that is completely in your control. IF you'd like any help or detailed advice on this I'd be happy to schedule a call.