What are the pros and cons of Program Fee vs. Subscription?
Is there an ideal customer type of each model, or does it all depend on your go-to-market strategy?
In regard to targeting business professionals there are platforms you can look at to see how they operate. Most recent one that comes to mind is Lynda.com that was acquired and integrated into LinkedIn. Currently, LinkedIn has a subscription model that starts off free for a month.
For a personalized online learning platform, I am assuming you might be providing customized learning modules that are specific to the business user's profile. Given that, a subscription model would serve best for continued access and engagement with your platform. These are business professionals that value continued access to content from the platform for their ongoing learning & development.
At the same time, for specific programs that are time bound a program based fee can also make sense. Here you target business professionals that are interested in a specific learning module/program.
The pricing can vary based on the user type/learning module. I currently advise a few startups in the ed tech space and we have explored very interesting opportunities that are being monetized. I would be happy to speak further on this topic and learn about your unique platform offering and share specific guidance.