MenuWhat "Organic" growth strategies are there to increase users from 0 to 1M users and get our app featured on the Play store?
Hi! This is a very ambitious question! Good for you but you weren't as targeted/realistic as you should be asking the question.
Growth hacking is not magic, it works but not over night and not specifically for a set number of users or conversions.
Ultimately what you want is number of users daily rather than downloads. Even if your app was for sale and all you care is downloads if your app is not good or provides no incentive for daily use your sales will dwindle off after that initial spark.
A good growth strategist will take his or her time in evaluating the UX of your app, flow, customer acquisition, trends online, craft personas, measure bounce rate your apps landing page, etc, then work out a plan to get you exposed just to the right group of people and providing them with set of tools for easy conversion.
I hope that helps in helping you understand how GH works a bit so that you can maybe craft some ideas on your own and have an idea on how to get started in your own targeted marketing tactics, because at the end of the day that's what growth hacking is... Physical World Business 101 applied in the Digital Marketplace.
Humberto Valle
Unthink Strategy
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Thanks for reaching out. Do you want to meet in person? I am in San Francisco/San Mateo location. Best, SeanSP
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