MenuWhat company has the most accessible channels & structure to reach senior management & there-for-our-employees behaviour that you know of? And why?
Your help is much needed and appreciated with a case study for a business book I'm working on. I'll mention all sources I'll use of course in the book. Look out for more questions from me. Cheers!
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HR Strategy
2 answers
10 years ago
I don't know if this is the right answer because your question is a tricky one. Before you get an answer I'm going to give you an example of a company I think fits what you are looking for:
Read here : http://firstround.com/article/How-Medium-is-building-a-new-kind-of-company-with-no-managers
And here http://holacracy.org
And here https://medium.com/about-holacracy
I think this would give you something to start with
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