MenuDo you know of an online tool for displaying various biz/productivity softwares on one screen like hootsuite does for social media feeds?
I really like the tools I use to manage my business. But I would like for them to be in one place.
Try using Geckoboard. There is definitely a time investment in the setup, but you can get a great suite of products/metrics integrated into one dashboard. https://www.geckoboard.com/
There are quite a few dashboards out there that make all your stats super swell:
Geckoboard (http://www.geckoboard.com/)
Leftronic -- (https://www.leftronic.com/)
SumAll -- (https://sumall.com/)
Ducksboard -- (https://ducksboard.com/)
Cyfe -- (http://www.cyfe.com/)
Informly -- (http://inform.ly/)
HappyMetrix -- (http://www.happymetrix.com/)
Pick one. Do something awesome.
For something simple I would check out Numerous and it's integrations with IFTTT and Zapier
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That would depend on what you're trying to accomplish and who you are as a manager and individual. Off the top of my head I can tell you that Podio, Asanna and Basecamp are all popular project management tools. Which one you use really depends on you and the features you want. On a personal level I use Trello which I make work for me. It has the features I want and allows me to display information that seems logical to me. I suggest that you play around with all them and find which one works best for you. If I'm off the mark and you're asking about a specific system I suggest scrum. Although scrum is most talked associated with building agile products I've successfully used it on a wide variety of projects technical and non technical. Hope this helps and best of luck!JB
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I've done both of these when I was fishing for SaaS business opportunities. To narrow down the niche market, identify the key departments, type of problem, and industry verticals of target companies. The users of your solution would benefit either from $$$ or productivity point of view. Then to find early adopters, find out who is attempting to make their own solutions already (in this case, consult the consultants who deal with your problem). You can even buy PPC ads on Facebook or work with their other vendors to see which customers are motivated and proactively looking for a solution to their problem. Hope this helps. If you want more clarifications, let's set up a call.SL
Is it possible to create a passive income stream for under $1000? Where should I start?
Very possible, the hardest part is finding the area of interest. What niche market or opportunity do you see yourself enjoying as a hobby. Enjoyment or purpose is key because passive income often requires putting in some time. At least at the beginning and on going. Here is an example: I'm good at marketing, enjoy talking business tactics, sharing my expertise and like to write, although I'm not good at it. :) One option I saw a few years ago was starting a strategy blog, this blog shares random thoughts, stories, tactics, tips, FYIs, etc. regarding business. I run Adsense on the blog to generat income from there. But my bread and butter when it comes to making passive income from the blog is the affiliate links I have on there. I enjoy reading and think I'm really good at finding great stories, bios, and How To books and I share some of those there, I think I have one of my favorite albums listed there and links to courses and services offered by other companies and some for my own companies (I run a web development firm, a business analytic and advertising team, and a hosting platform that is cheaper than GoDaddy) I have links there. All affiliates or ads to my other services. All I do is drive traffic there once in a while and see the commissions add up. I do my homework in driving the right traffic. Also, another example which is connected to the prior is that I have landing pages (see: trainer.unthink.me for example) where i get registrations for single page landing pages done by a contractor that works for me and we split the earnings. I don't do anything, but post them once In a while on Instagram. I also have an affiliate system for online programs im vested in, and help drive traffic to increase the bottom line and get commission. I also don't do anything for this one. did take time and effort in finding the right market to advertise and message to use. Once that was done the rest takes care of itself. Another example, a friend of mine has a blog about a particular lens piece for a camera loved by many professional photographers, they come to his blog (which he doesn't invest much time in anymore) to find information about tips and how tos for the lens... During the time he updated the blog daily and then weekly he would share his own affiliate links to Amazon and collects money that way. Because the niche was so targeted and there are a ton of people looking for that information he gets good return on that. This is what you call a lifestyle business, but what the people that make money off selling lifestyle businesses don't tell you is that is for those who don't require much income. Another passive income is investing, consider investing in family or friend that maybe wants to start selling Mary Kay or something, you invest in them by buying the products for them. The person sells you collect either an interest or perpetuating until you find some agreement of full repayment to you. Buy a soda or vending machine if you have a truck and are handy with fixing stuff. You can always find deals on snacks and sodas and in a good spot a machine can generate average $50 per cycle. May not sound like much, but if you get yourself a couple of them you have a small income stream that can be saved and used to buy a candy machine or another vending machine... And give you weekend spending money. These are just some ideas I hope help you get your brain flowing to see that you might not need money to do something and if you do you might have more choices than you realized before.HV
What are the advantages of having a virtual assistant?
Focus on your core activity and save money. VAs are good if you can devote initial hours and train as per your need. Are you looking for one? I can suggest few top resources, who can do FREE trial as well.SN
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