MenuAngel Investors & VCs: What inspires you to invest?
I am writing a blog post for the Clarity blog, rounding up reasons why angel investors and VCs give back to the startup ecosystem. I would love a 1-2 sentence contribution from you to include in the roundup. Thanks!
As an angel, what I look for is founder/market fit. Does this entrepreneur have a fire in their belly to solve a problem and a really unique and inspired look at the market they are attacking?
The motivation to angel-invest for me as an active entrepreneur is to build a strong network of founders who can help each other and share commonly applicable experiences.
As an angle and VC, the #1 reason you invest in a company is generate a 3x+ return on at least 45% of the deals. The main reason to " Give back" to the ecosystem is for deal flow.
There are tons of great ideas out there the hardest part is finding a founder who understand s their limitations and is willing to adapt with added leadership the Angles & VC's need to bring in.
Once the startup takes funding the game changes and now they have a fiduciary responsibility. If founders don't understand this change, it will become very interesting.
I used to invest in business plans and ideas. I gave that up pretty quickly as it is a failing model. I now invest in the following:
customer lists
my enjoyment at working with the team.
That is it.
#1 by far is "People". I invest in startups based on who are the people involved, how skilled they are in their respective roles, how I like them, what their product or service is and if I personally am interested in what they are selling.
#2 by crunching the numbers. They must have a viable revenue stream from paying customers. Too many startups I look at live off their seed round and eat that up and start their A rounds while still in freemium mode. By the time they get that far they had better be producing enough revenue to sustain their day to day operations and use the A round to diversify and expand.
#3 I do my own market research on the market segment and current and future competition. I like companies who are #2 or #3 in their respective market segment. It's a nice comfortable spot to sit and "draft" behind the #1 market leader. When they make a shift you can react by coming up with a revised or better version of the same product or service. Let #1 make the big mistakes.
#4 Lastly, I look at who else has invested in the company or if they participated in one of the many incubation programs out there. I have about a dozen or so angels that I track and about five or six VC firms. If one of my tracked angels or VC's invests I pay attention and most likely follow suit.
#5 I track potential investments by geographic region and general industry segment like this:
Silicon Valley - Big Data
Silicon Beach - Internet of Things
Silicon Desert - Mobile Apps
Silicon Prairie - Aerospace
Silicon Slopes - BioTech
For each category as above I try to track 3 startups in each.
One difference between venture capitalists and angel investors is what money they use to invest. An angel investor is an accredited investor who uses their own money to invest in small businesses. Many angel investors are small business owners’ family and friends. Small business angel investors focus more on helping build someone’s business than profiting right away. Angel investors and venture capitalists invest in businesses at different stages. Angel investors are more likely to invest in businesses that are just starting out. Because of this, angel investors take more risks than venture capitalists. If you are just starting out, an angel investor might provide you with enough money to get off the ground.
You can read more here: https://www.patriotsoftware.com/blog/accounting/venture-capitalist-vs-angel-investor/
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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How much equity is typically taken by investors in a seed round?
From my experience I would not advise you to go with Venture Capital when you're a start-up as in the end they will most likely end up screwing you. A much better source for funding would be angel investors or friends/family. The question of how much equity should I give away differs for every start-up. I remember with my first company I gave away 30% because I wanted to get it off the ground. This was the best decision I ever made. Don't over valuate your company as having 70% of something is big is a whole lot better than having 100% of something small. You have to decide your companies value based on Assets/I.P(Intellectual Property)/Projections. I assume you have some follow up questions and I would love to help you so if you need any help feel free to call me. Kind Regards, GiulianoGS
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Convertible notes are by no means "earned." They are often easier to raise for early-stage companies who don't want to or can't raise an equity round. Equity rounds almost always require a simultaneous close of either the whole round or a defined "first close" representing a significant share of the raised amount. Where there are many participants in the round comprised mostly of small seed funds and/or angel investors, shepherding everyone to a closing date can be very difficult. If a company raises money on a note and the company fails, the investors are creditors, getting money back prior to any shareholder and any creditor that doesn't have security or statutory preference. In almost every case, convertible note holders in these situations would be lucky to get pennies back on the dollar. It would be highly unusual of / unheard of for a convertible note to come with personal guarantees. Happy to talk to you about the particulars of your situation and explain more to you based on what you're wanting to know.TW
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