MenuHow to improve cash flow in a dental lab?
Dentists are our main clients and they are difficult to collect from , they also get offended easy about collections
So you do lab work for dentists? If you post your website or some other info it might be easier to help you with the issue.
If you want to improve cash flow you can either reduce expenses or grow revenue. My experience is that it is usually way easier to grow revenue since expenses are so thin for companies like yours unless you have wasteful habits.
Figure out who your ideal customer is and develop a marketing plan. Make sure the marketing plan uses multiple marketing medians to get brand recognition with the target market. Follow up with phone calls and offer test orders or test lab work. Make sure you can demonstrate a clear advantage to working with you compared to others.
Any clients you work with should respect your professionalism to sign an agreement with their orders to pay within a specified time frame. The agreement might also clearly spell out how the collections process works. Get signatures on orders, if they can order online include info like this in your TOS.
Reorganize your invoice so instead of the traditional 'penalty' for late payment you offer an incentive for early payment. Same values, reverse labels.
You should also look at automating reminders for payment after a certain date. This should be relatively straight forward depending on the accounting system you are using.
I've provided similar automation solutions for a number of clients and would be open to discuss in more detail if you would like to schedule a call.
If you use your PPO fees for treatment planning and billing to the patient, your front office team will be able to increase the over-the-counter collections exponentially â and we all know that payment on the day of service is worth its weight in gold. The front office team can collect more over the counter because they will not have to get out the calculator and manually calculate the patient portion. Send statements in real time. When you use your PPO fee schedules for billing the patient, you will be able to send patient billing statements in real time.
To improve cash flow, you need to be sending patient statements to ALL your patients who owe you money. Even if the patient has an outstanding insurance claim, send that patient a statement. Many practices currently do not do this because they are billing full fees to the patient and they must wait until the insurance payment comes in, make the PPO adjustment, and then send the patient statement. Most of you are sending your patient billing statements once a month.
If you are sending statements out several times a month, you are still sending out the same volume of statements, but in smaller increments at a time.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
Out of Pocket Cash Pay Products & Services - You can consider offering products and services patients pay for out of pocket or can use an HSA/FSA account for.
Products - This can include dental care products, but also non-dental related products. You can check for eligible covered products on most HSA/FSA websites. This may require a small retail presence in your office. Alternatively, you can display some products and allow for online purchase whereby you link to the Amazon purchase option and act as an affiliate collecting a commission.
Services - Consider offering vaccines, botox, cosmetic services or think outside the box and offer pain management for headaches or chronic pain issues. Consider partnering with an online platform to offer virtual care as well. Lab testing is also something to consider, this is big in the naturopathic and chiropractic spaces. Look to see what these providers offer that patients pay for out of pocket and consider it for your clinic.
A strategic framework organizing these options then prioritizing them based on your interest, market and teams capabilities would be beneficial to help you make a decision.
Happy to speak more if you like,
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I love this question. If you have to work on the side while building your business, I recommend doing something you absolutely hate. That keeps you hungry to succeed on your own. You'll also typically save your energy for the evenings and weekends where you'll want it for your business. Don't expect to make much money at your "other job" but you can work it to pay the bills while you build your business. This approach also forces you to build incrementally, and it keeps you frugal. This is not necessarily ideal. Having a bunch of money set aside sounds nice and luxurious, but not having the resources puts you in a position where you have to figure it out to survive. I love that. I started my business eight years ago on $150 and today we do a million a year. Don't wait until you have the resources to start safely. Dive in however you can. And avoid shortcuts. Don't waste your time scheming to make bigger money on the side. Do something honest to live on and create a business that drives value.CM
In what moment I inject capital to the startup?
The other answers are good, and here is one practical approach to handling this. First, the accounting capitalization (10m x $0.001 = $10k) is really irrelevant. In fact, we went for 10m x $0.0001 = $1k. Whatever you pick, your company after formation will show $X of assets (the cash in the back) and $X of shareholder equity. So far so good. You then need to start spending money through the company. Rather than issue more shares, you can lend the money to the company; write out a loan agreement (probably something like a balloon payment 10 years out with 0% interest) and deposit the check. If you're doing everything at the same time, and want to have $1k of shareholder equity with a total of $25k to spend, then deposit the $25k check and call it $1k to purchase the founder's shares and $24k loan. In this case, your company now has $25,000 assets/cash, $24k liability (to you) and $1k shareholders equity: assets = liabilities + shareholder equity. Hope that helps clarify things a bit...RF
Payroll is killing me/wasting my time. What inexpensive small businesses can help consultants manage payments to freelancers/consultants?
In normal cases each subcontracting partner is self responsible for its accounting. Depending on the country you are and kind of business you running, you need to find out what possibilities are possible. For sure there are services you can use, check out payroll.intuit.com for example. There they offer accounting/payroll services for small businesses. Hope I could help you! If any further help needed, let me know! Regards BehzadBD
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