Today, business is more than ever accountable to all its stakeholders, including community and nature. It's no longer feasible to negatively impact any stakeholder in the name of making business. And it doesn't have to.
Whether a totally new business or a new product or service, it is possible to create business ideas that are positive for all stakeholders.
Using a developed model, I can partner with you to find that Win-Win-Win solution for your business idea.
Through a series of sessions, together we will -
*Plot your business stakeholders from a holistic viewpoint, considering communities and nature as well
*Create a blueprint of how your business may touch each stakeholder
*Brainstorm the potential negative impacts your business model may hold for each stakeholder
*Ideate the possible adaptations that could be made to eliminate negative impacts
*"Win-Win-Win" check each final business model
From there, you will have a final short-list of business models that you can feel good about - and convey that to your audience.
This is a valuable exercise prior to launch of your new business, product or service as future businesses will be Win-Win-Win businesses. As the effects of climate change are felt in daily life, pressure will mount against companies negatively impacting our world. A Win-Win-Win strategy is a smart strategy, one thatvcan help future-proof your business. Additionally, the learnings and techniques you obtain through this exercise can in-built into the perspectoves of your team, training their focus to always consider developments and changes from a holistic viewpoint.
- Ensure your business idea is not geared to creating negative impacts in today's world
- Faciltated thought process to lead you to greater understanding of pressure points in your current business model
- Facilitated ideation to adapt your model to eliminate negative "black holes"
- Facilitated funneling of final Win-Win-Win possibilities
Feel good about what you're launching in the world (and get back to building it!)