I help creatives of all kinds get past the myths that hold them back from having fulfilling, sustainable creative work they love.
I founded Artist Myth.com to help artists of all kinds get past whatever keeps them from creating, marketing, and selling their creative work. My goal is to help them overcome these myths so they can have fulfilling, sustainable creative businesses and careers.
For the last fifteen years I have worked at ReelFX as a Visual Effects Artist and Supervisor, doing online and effects work for commercials, movies, and music videos. I can examine storyboards and scripts and advise in the pre-production stages to ensure the most efficient plan for finishing a project. I can also determine the best way to execute a creative effect, whether it's in-camera or in post. These minutes upfront have saved my clients countless hours and many thousands of dollars in production costs. I can also offer career advice and encouragement to those seeking advancement in the industry.
I have been married for nearly twenty years and have two wonderful kids, including my son who is on the Autism spectrum. I have learned a great deal about both the practical aspects of a special needs child as well as the emotional ones. My heart goes out to overwhelmed parents of those with special needs, and I offer my counsel to those who need it.
I have chosen Real Estate as a long-term investment vehicle for my family, and I have learned a great deal through acquiring two single family homes as rental properties. I can advise the inquisitive investor in building a team, acquiring funding, evaluating properties, rehabbing distressed property, evaluating contractors, communicating with real estate professionals, getting tenants, and being an effective landlord. I enjoy a much higher rate of return on my real estate investments than any other passive investment vehicle i've tried, and I work on my real estate business on average less than four hours a month.
Your best solution is going to be probably adding the watermark in the encode step. I don't know what you are using, but both Adobe Media Encoder 7.1 and Apple Compressor allow you to do this. You simply save the watermark as an image or photoshop file and load it into the encoder, and save it as a preset. Now depending on a variety of factors (machine speed, video size and framerate, etc) it may be faster or slower than realtime, you will have to test it to find the right formula.