Founding Partner & TroubleMaker @ DYNAMIC.RE. also: geek, entrepreneur, marketer, startup fanboy, internet & social addict, former AT&T henchman.
The world of Airbnb and Short Term Rentals is ever-changing.
You have to feel comfortable in making this into reality. You may have some nervousness around if you are missing something, or maybe you have questions on how to make sure you are set up correctly...
You may also be set up correctly, but just have some questions on how to make sure your efficient and effective...
Regardless of the scenario, I am here to help.
Creating a Short Term Business can be simple but hard.
There are multiple factors to consider, and I can help you find your way through all the questions you may have.
You can be just interested on how to start, already started and just have some questions, or wanting to expand and grow.