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Laurie Wheeler Engagement Coach - Messaging

Greater Seattle Area, WA

Engagement marketing strategist. I've built multiple successful engagement campaigns reaching hundreds of thousands of clients who return. Discover how to put the social back in Social Marketing because conversion matters.

  • Answers 5
Laurie Wheeler, Engagement Coach - Messaging answered:

In the late 1990s I was the Express Logistics Supervisor for DHL International's HUB in Bahrain. You need clear inventory database with scanning tech, and I imagine secure lock up, you'd need very accurate procedures to avoid liability, alarm/security/ tracking systems. Would you be partnering with parcel services? I'd have to know the scale & locations, plus what research you've already done. Feel free to connect to further clarify & get a to do list.

Laurie Wheeler, Engagement Coach - Messaging answered:

All of the answers are correct - also don't assume you'll have party support as a new person on the block. If you haven't volunteered with a party or community organizations then now is the time to start. Connections, donations, doorbells and yard signs (don't let anyone tell you those are a waste of money - we had a county commissioner candidate win by signage alone) - and have your message boiled down in to three easily remembered bullet points.

Laurie Wheeler, Engagement Coach - Messaging answered:

As a coach I would ask, are you lacking confidence in your message or is it that you're not confident in your credibility with your audience?

What about presenting makes you nervous?

Is the nervousness related to lack of confidence, or are they somewhat different?

Yes, practice can help as well, but worrying about delivery or credibility will affect your presentation.

Laurie Wheeler, Engagement Coach - Messaging answered:

Because most small business owners do not understand the different between advertising and marketing.

The two though related are not the same thing, a well crafted strategy for both advertising & marketing will bring in results. Depending on how much capital is involved, one can substitute effort and relationship skills for investment.

If you're really small you can't afford to look too big, be honest & attractive. Effectively it's like dating, and well you need to have pretty darned good social skills if you want a quality date. :)

Laurie Wheeler, Engagement Coach - Messaging answered:

Know what makes your business unique. Ask yourself some tough questions like:

Instead of saying what people expect someone in my business to say, what is my personal quest?

I am passion about wellness because ___________.

What are three results your clients have shown that are concrete: more mobility? Weight loss? Improved eating habits? Restful sleep? Improved relationships?

Who do you want to work with? And NO it's not everybody! Do you serve men, women, young professionals, elderly, moms, family's, middle aged people in transition.

Know your story, know your results, know who your clients are - then start marketing on social media and offline join business referral groups.

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