Founder : Rock the Stage Online Music Teaching, Master Voice Instructor, Author, Clinician, Live Performance Coach, Voice Over Actor, Musician, Singer, Songwriter and all around nice guy.
Kevin Richards has been performing and giving lectures on singing and voice presentation around the world for over 25 years.
He currently coaches several high profile celebrities and successful entrepreneurs in public speaking, seminar presentation, performance skills and personal development with handling current and past life issues and relationships.
Kevin Richards is available to discuss the basics of speech writing/rehearsal/presentation, audience attention, line reading, voice over presentation, stage and seminar presentation.
Kevin Richards is also available as a relationship intermediary between immediate family, business partners and spouses (current or past) to resolve personal and financial conflicts.
People judge you by the words you use and the way you say them. I'll show you how to create and keep a voice that is animated, conversational, and authentic; one that captures and keeps your listeners attention. Learn to build a sense of trust in the first minute of your presentation; a trust that creates a sales bond with the customer and drives more sales.