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Austin, Texas Area
Jeffrey L Minch of Austin, Texas has been a Founder, President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of substantial private companies and small public companies for over 25 years.
He can assist you with business organizational issues, startup issues, business process issues, leadership, management and Board issues.
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Member since January 2013
Areas of Expertise
$1/min per minute(4)Boards of DirectorsJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Technology / MobileI have over a quarter of a century of experience in dealing with Boards of Directors. I can provide insights from both the perspective of management and the Board. Boards are an exercise in organization, documentation, discipline and communication. I can help you talk through and brainstorm your relationship with either the Board or management. There is a skill to dealing with Boards. Give me a call and let me share my 25+ years of experience.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)Old Economy to New Economy TransformationJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Technology / MobileI have expertise in transforming old economy companies to new economy companies by deploying technology and social media. This is one of the best business opportunities in America today. I have run a little public company which did exactly this over a 12 year period.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)LeadershipJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Skills & Management / LeadershipI have been running something since I left Virginia Military Institute in the early 1970s. Everything I ever needed to learn about running a business I learned as a platoon leader and company commander of combat engineers. Give me a buzz and let me help you with any leadership issues. Leaders do the right things. Managers do things right. Leaders get organizations to places they would never find by themselves. Managers make sure the trip is orderly.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)Operating Small BusinessesJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Technology / MobileI have been running private companies of small to middle size (500 employees) and small public companies for over a quarter of a century. In that context, I have faced every operating issue that a company can face and I have collected lots of exemplars. Hiring, performance appraisal, company surveys, acquisitions, incentive compensation, start ups --- you name it. I would be glad to share what I have learned. Give me a call.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)Regulatory EnvironmentJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Technology / MobileI have operated companies for over 25 years in highly regulated industries. I know my way around the regulatory environment. Give me a call and let me share my knowledge with you. I would be glad to assist you.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)Mentoring, Coaching, Talent DevelopmentJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Skills & Management / CoachingOne of the most gratifying aspects of business is the ability to mentor, coach or develop talent. Pay it forward and it comes back in spades. Let me assist you in setting up a program or in assisting you. Give me a call and I will be glad to assist.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)Compensation PlansJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Technology / MobileEvery well designed compensation plan for your most valuable and senior folks has to be a combination of: 1. Salary 2. Benefits 3. Short term incentive compensation 4. Long term incentive compensation 5. Something special I will be glad to assist you in brainstorming and designing a compensation plan that will attract, retain, motivate key employees That key employee might be you. Give me a call and I will be glad to assist you.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)NegotiationsJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Technology / MobileIn life we do not get what we deserve, we get what we negotiate. Negotiating is a skill that is acquired over years of practice. I have been at it for over a third of a century. Let me help you get mentally set for a negotiation, model some ideas and coach you through it.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)Raising CapitalJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Funding / Venture CapitalI have raised over a billion dollars of capital in my business career --- equity, debt, participating debt --- and I can help you think what kind of funding you require. Call me and let me coach you through the maze. Never get mad at the money, it will change its mind.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)EntrepreneurshipJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Skills & Management / EntrepreneurshipThat crazy feeling you have that you want to own your own business, run your own shop. It is a disease but one that you never seek a cure for. Let me chat with you about what it means to be an entrepreneur, to found a business, to breath life into a start up. Are you working a gig, making a product or building a business and a company? They are not the same thing and at times are all the right thing to do and to contemplate doing. I will be glad to talk you down off the ledge --- because I have been there myself.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)FinanceJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Business / Getting StartedAt the end of the day, finance is the life's blood of a business from the perspective of planning the cash flows of the business to raising the necessary capital to support the overall finance and operating plan. I have raised over $1B in my business career and can assist you in planning and implementing all kinds of financial strategies and operating systems.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)Coaching, MentoringJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Skills & Management / CoachingA coach assists someone in the performance of a specific skill. A mentor assists someone in the development of a broad set of talents both inside the company and within their private life. I can assist you personally or assist you in setting up such a program in your company.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
$1/min per minute(4)CrowdfundingJeffrey L Minch • Austin, Texas AreaCreated 12 years ago in Funding / CrowdfundingCrowdfunding is going to be a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs to access funds from the public at large. The JOBS Act is ultimately going to be put into play when the SEC finishes writing its implementing Rules. Let me help you by discussing the implications for you and how you might approach the challenge. This is going to be very significant.Jeffrey L Minch Austin, Texas Area(4)
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