If Jeff were a restaurant, he would be immediately labled 'Five Star' for his performance as a General Manager in Minneapolis, now Owner/Manager of The Traveling Photo Booth Company in Chicago.
Jeff handles any situation with ease. Brides and grooms alike should feel completely confident that their Traveling Photo Booth experience will be done without any problem. Not only that, Jeff will make your entire wedding experience personal, enjoyable and the best in the industry! He has years of experience, a passion for capturing the moment in any photo strip and an expertise at customer service.
When Jeff worked in Minneapolis as General Manager, I reported directly to him for several years. He was an excellent boss – fair, organized and energetic. I appreciated his ability to communicate with ease to clients, colleagues and venders. Clearly, Jeff has a knack for photo boothing and brings an enthusiasm to The Original Traveling Photo Booth Company making each wedding experience unique and personal in a professional manner.
Thanks Jeff for being a wonderful boss! Loved working for you back in Minneapolis and hearing wonderful things about the business in Chicago!
Kate Chambers