Special talent for enabling sales teams to exceed their goals through data-driven marketing. Experience in building and managing a senior marketing teams. Founder of M2M: Women in B2B Marketing group in New York with 400+ members.
Hosting and sponsoring events is an expensive, high-profile undertaking for B2B marketers - so how can you make the most of it? I can share best practices from high level strategic planning down to tactical logistics that will help ensure your B2B Event success.
With separation and tension existing between many B2B sales and marketing teams, there is often a need to bring these groups closer together to achieve even greater success. I can share a number of tried and true processes for making the magic happen quickly, so you'll start seeing results right away.
Account Based Marketing - a big buzzword in our industry today. What does it mean for targeting Large, enterprise businesses? What are the steps you can take to get started? I can walk you through everything you'll need to know to plan, launch and optimize ABM within your company to see real results.