
Crowdsourcing and Marketplaces

Created 12 years ago in Industries / Marketplaces
Crowdsourcing and Marketplaces

in the past 6 years I have built 2 crowdsourcing platforms, raised over $3.5m in seed funding and Series A for both. One of them was acquired in 2013.

At both platforms I was product owner and responsible for all functional specifications, hiring teams and strategy. I was also responsible for growth hacking our crowdsourcing communities.

Evly is a drag-and-drop crowdsourcing site builder with tools to embed every challenge into Facebook pages. In 5 minutes anyone can create any type of crowdsourcing site with no experience whatsoever and engage fans in Facebook and across the web.

Springleap is a marketplace of over 180,000 advertising agency experts for the world's best insights and copy-testing.

Each presented challenges ranging from user acquisition strategies through to complex issues such as vetting the crowd and writing complex algorithms to weed out fraudulent voting styles.

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