I would recommend tackling a reskilling journey like this across 3 dimensions: (1) principles (2) learning / skill acquisition (3) applied learning
Principles are what govern your mind and behavior about a challenge. These are not specific to the UI/UX domain, but valid for all similar cases where one wants to reskill / upskill.
1) Growth mindset
2) Grit, persistence
3) Turning learning into habits
On the 2nd dimension, learning and skill acquisition:
I would suggest engaging with a learning program that enables you to apply what you learn within the course. There are many self-learning platforms out there, such as LinkedIn Learning, Masterclass, Udacity. I would go for one where there is an opportunity for either your peers or the course instructors to review your submissions and give feedback. The second part of this dimension is choosing specific skills to focus on. Adobe's suit of design software is usually the safest bet to start with. The third part is the community aspect. In our reskilling journeys, we benefit a lot by triangulating with others. Joining communities such as dribbble will help you understand how other designers are iterating on their designs and how they evaluate each other's work.
The last and third dimension is finding ample opportunities to apply what you learn. Many perfection-minded people focus on pure learning and absorbing until they try their hand at doing something many months down the line. The fact of the matter is that design is very much an applied skill, and therefore you gotta find opportunities to test your newly acquired skills in the real world, preferably early and often. I would consider submitting your works in design communities to get feedback. Getting things right or wrong is a lot less important than being able to get feedback so that you can triangulate and fail forward. At a slightly later stage in the journey of applying what you learn, I would become a service provider on fiverr, upwork, or linkedin to take on projects and work with clients.
Best of luck with your journey!