If I can improvise, I'd like to suggest 4 categories within which you can nest KPIs depending on your business model and strategy objectives. These are basic balance scorecard dimensions.
1. Customer (revenue, retention, satisfaction)
2. Service Delivery (quality, timeliness, cost/efficiency)
3. People and Innovation (employee engagement and satisfaction, turnover, innovation)
4. Financials (P&L, cashflow, valuation or balance sheet strength)
I've implemented KPIs and balanced scorecards in very large companies (e.g., Goldman Sachs), very small start-ups and everything in between. At Goldman, my reports ended up on Co-CEOs Paulson's and Corzine's desks every month. They went on to become the US Secretary of Treasury and the US Senator from NJ. I'm sure my reports has a lot to do with it! :-)
I'd love to share with you what I've learned. Set-up a call and I can give some more specific ideas based on our discussion.