MenuAdam Bornstein Consultant, NYT Best-Selling Author, Content King
Greater Los Angeles Area
Adam Bornstein is a New York Times bestselling author and the behind-the-scenes mastermind who works with some of the most success brands on the web. He has consulted on business marketing and content for Microsoft, American Media, Inc. and Equinox, among others, as well as partnered on the launch of several multi-million dollar private businesses. Bornstein also specializes in transforming ideas into book deals and publishing opportunities.
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Social Media
Book Publishing
Brand development
Content Strategy
Online Publishing
Website Monetization
Web Traffic
Editorial Consulting
Member since October 2013
Areas of Expertise
$8.33/min per minute(2)Web TrafficAdam Bornstein • Greater Los Angeles AreaCreated 11 years ago in Sales & Marketing / Search Engine OptimizationI helped transform LIVESTRONG.COM into the most visited health site on the web. In less than two years, traffic grew by more than 300 percent and time on site more than doubled.Adam Bornstein Greater Los Angeles Area(2)
$8.33/min per minute(2)Social MediaAdam Bornstein • Greater Los Angeles AreaCreated 11 years ago in Sales & Marketing / Social Media MarketingI've helped build some of the largest social media brands using analytics and counterintuitive listening approaches that highlights the target audience and enables content to become viral. I currently teach a class on Social Media at the University of Florida.Adam Bornstein Greater Los Angeles Area(2)
$8.33/min per minute(2)Content, Content Marketing, and PublishingAdam Bornstein • Greater Los Angeles AreaCreated 11 years ago in Sales & Marketing / Inbound MarketingI've been published by more than 50 different brands, and have helped place some of the top editors in the biggest magazine brands. If you're looking to get your content seen, the focus needs to be on the message and audience, and then finding the right avenues to expand your brand.Adam Bornstein Greater Los Angeles Area(2)
$8.33/min per minute(2)Book PublishingAdam Bornstein • Greater Los Angeles AreaCreated 11 years ago in Sales & Marketing / PublishingI'm a New York Times best-selling author, and have written 6 books, and ghost written several others. My specialty is transforming ideas into proposals that sell, or providing editing and writing that will help you complete your book.Adam Bornstein Greater Los Angeles Area(2)
$8.33/min per minute(2)Branding and MonetizationAdam Bornstein • Greater Los Angeles AreaCreated 11 years ago in Business / Getting StartedI've worked with some of the biggest health and fitness brands to expand their audience reach, streamline and improve their core competencies, and develop concise and executable plans for increased revenue.Adam Bornstein Greater Los Angeles Area(2)
- Reviews 1
Social Media
Book Publishing
Brand development
Content Strategy
Online Publishing
Website Monetization
Web Traffic
Editorial Consulting