Taking you from apprentice Barber to Master Barber - mindset, skill set, tactics in and out of the salon & classroom. MK Awarded 'Grand Master Barber' 2018, Speaker, Exhibition Consultant, Barbering teacher, Presenter.
MK has released two of his own training DVD's called 'Get 2 The Point' &"Straight to the Point". On the video's barbering has been given an intelligent approach with techniques delivered from a mathematical & artistic view point.
MK runs MK.H.S.A barbering salon in UK north London; it has won ‘Best Barbers’ award winners 2015/16 and when he is not there in his busy schedule he travels the world Ireland, Italy, Russia, Japan to name a few. MK has worked in fashion shows for Oswald Boateng, film sets for George Lucas and Anthony Hemmingway, alongside his UK TV appearances such as BBC learning zone, Channel 5 "Trust me I'm a beauty Therapist" and the BBC's longest running house hold name programme "Blue Peter" YOU TUBE (MK on Blue Peter).
Philips, Foot Locker, Champions League, BMW, BBC are a few of MK’s clients who have used his talents for consultation and skills in barbering!
MK is a barbering man with commanding but a gentlemanly professional presence; the brain of a mathematical scientist the flair of a hairdresser and groomed with artistic stroke of Picasso