I've done 2 crowdfunding campaign from A to Z by myself which raised $450,000USD and $800,000USD respectively.
I'll guide you through the efficient strategies and mistake to avoid.
I raised $800K+ for my startup KABUTO: http://indiegogo.kabuto.paris/
I raised $450K for my startup SLICK: indiegogo.com/projects/slick-stabilizer-a-motorized-camera-gimbal/x/22618502#/
I'm not an agency who "help" campaigners. I run them by myself. This says it all.
I'm now helping others to raise their goal.
I made both videos for SLICK & KABUTO, I can help you create a video that's out of the box.
I'll teach you how to get traffic and sales for free.
I'll teach you how to run cross-promotions.
Most important, I'll show you where to put your budget between ads, PR, video, newsletter ect.
I speak fluent English & French
My website: www.thomasagarate.com