
Becoming Data-Driven

New Arrival
Created 9 years ago in Product & Design / Metrics & Analytics

I will guide you to start making decisions based on data (i.e. become data-driven), covering both the technical and the social challenges. You will get a distillation of six years worth of lessons learned helping 20+ startups and growth companies become data-driven. At GoOpti, the company where I currently work, putting these principles into practice yielded a 0.5M eur (+10%) increase in annual revenue after just 3 months.

Key takeouts you will get:
* An action plan how to gradually build up analytics infrastructure with minimal upfront costs; that can grow as your ambitions grow; and prevents loosing data to inaction (data we don't care for right now might be valuable to us in the future, but we don't want to pay a too hefty price for acquiring it just-in-case).
* What are the biggest hurdles to becoming data-driven.
* Where to look for quick wins.
* The common pitfalls in reasoning with data (seeing patterns where there are none, optimizing for too narrow criteria, thinking in averages instead of distributions, assuming all causes are internal to the product, ...).
* Metrics: how to go beyond crude metrics such as page views and develop a portfolio of metrics tailored to your domain and focus.

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